Example sentences of "itself [prep] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When love truly seizes the heart it is like a malignant fever which thence disperses itself through all the sensible parts .
2 Having grasped the use of silence you now have to quieten your own brain , stop it muttering away to itself about all the things you need to do and may forget , stop it reacting and getting on its high horse when all it needs to do is to absorb information and store it for future reference .
3 Other issues that the FCC concerned itself with included the control of unruly behaviour ( both by young people and by American Legion club members ! ) , the use of vacant structures and neighbourhood welfare programmes , particularly for the elderly .
4 At first , it swept the whole side of the mountain , and , charging itself with all the rubbish it found there , made its way into the vale , following chiefly the direction of the Lissa .
5 My love , no longer inhibited by his existence , presented itself with all the understanding required to bring us together again — the gentleness , the words , the small gestures that make it possible for one person to reveal himself to another and two people to share life .
6 Then in 1987 Midland Bank got itself in such a mess that it was on the receiving end of a laughable offer from the Saatchi & Saatchi advertising empire .
7 However , just as at a certain place on the earth 's surface we can still call ‘ down' ’ the direction towards the centre of the earth , so a living organism that finds itself in such a world at a certain period of time can define the ‘ direction ’ of time as going from the less probable state to the more probable ( the former will be the ‘ Past' ’ and the latter the ‘ Future' ’ ) and by virtue of the definition he will find that his own small region , isolated from the rest of the universe , is ‘ initially' ’ always in an improbable state .
8 More , the fact that this being , Homo sapiens , is from the moment of birth aware of itself in relation to others , and experiences and defines itself in such a relational mode , suggests the universal , pre-cultural basis of a relational concept that appears to occur in one form or another in all human cultural systems : the complementarity of Self and Other ; Us and Them .
9 In extreme circumstances a minority , and especially a national minority , finding itself in such a position may simply decide to secede and create a society and state in which it forms the majority .
10 A society organises itself in such a way that people adhering to cultural norms are rewarded whilst those that deviate are ‘ punished ’ , to a greater or lesser degree depending upon the culture .
11 When he had been given to Uncle Farmborough to be his heir and to look after him in his old age , he was considered fortunate — but how could a child reconcile itself to such a strange state of affairs that he had been given away , to the fact that his own father and mother , brother and sister , lived quite near in the village but , as it were , in a different camp ?
12 I have also tried to divide the particular provisions of the precedents into chapters , where appropriate , but I feel that the agreement does not lend itself to such a division , and I have therefore dealt with that in a chapter by itself .
13 Moral intervention was by itself at best a mere palliative unless co-ordinated by official sanitary regulation .
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