Example sentences of "view to [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 with a view to training them properly .
2 We advertised by personal contacts and through the media — the local TV , radio , and press — for potential bilinguals to come and be tested with a view to training them as interpreters .
3 After the lesson he told me that he wanted to buy a really good shirt he 'd seen somewhere , and I enquired into the resale potential of the item with a view to recovering my outlay in case of bankruptcy , which amused him further ; and then I gave him my terms .
4 Prejudice aside for one brief moment , the Republic have shown the best form in the group so far , and if there was even the merest scintilla of justice in this doomed planet , they would now be checking out copies of In Stockholm magazine with a view to disporting themselves in the most agreeable Nite Spots that the Swedish capital has to offer .
5 Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust in 1930 to which all the family pictures were transferred with a view to donating them to the nation .
6 Sir , Arising out of your questionnaire ( Transport September — October 1991 ) it occurred to me that perhaps the CIT logo could be looked at with a view to substituting something more modern or vibrant for the horse/steed .
7 Significantly ( in view of the stronger actions of the subsequent Conservative government ) public authorities were asked ‘ to furnish schedules of void sites within the partnership authorities with a view to establishing what could be done to accelerate the development or redevelopment of non-operational sites ’ .
8 Scientists will study forests in south-east Asian countries , with a view to establishing what conditions produce the highest carbon dioxide absorption .
9 Frequently the French company seeks to take over second tier United States enterprises already established in Europe with a view to establishing itself as a mainstream European producer .
10 Has not the time come , however , to evaluate the optimum pupil-teacher ratio for pupils at any given age , with a view to establishing it ?
11 As we slowly descended , the mist cleared a little , and we found ourselves amid sheep pastures … ’ wrote the late Louis Littman , a successful businessman , when he and his wife first saw Ashley Chase with a view to buying it .
12 They do not look at everything with a view to buying it .
13 He was soon up to his old tricks and with a view to recouping his losses he chartered a yacht called Filden I from its unsuspecting and perfectly respectable owner .
14 When you visit a yard with a view to moving your horse there , try and visualise your routine .
15 It was in his camp here that he was approached by a French envoy on behalf of Duke Maximilian of Bavaria , the same Maximilian who had been given the Palatine Electorate in 1623 , with a view to saving his lands from the depredations of Gustavus .
16 Dr Florin retains a strong commitment to communication and is at present reading up on Eastern Christian icons with a view to writing something on the subject .
17 Particular attention is given to the training , career development and promotion of disabled employees with a view to encouraging them to play an active role in the development of the group .
18 Fillan agreed to talk to and ( Secretary to the Catholic Bishop 's Conference ) with a view to encouraging them to do more .
19 Established by a commercial company , Freewheeling , the scheme seeks to match prospective travellers making the same journey in different cars , with a view to encouraging them to share vehicles .
20 For the purpose of the Acts a dealer is ‘ a person who in the normal course of his business attends sales by auction for the purpose of purchasing goods with a view to reselling them . ’
21 The AC contact was n't Shelby 's first ; he 'd been hawking his sports car plans around since the late '50s and among the people he 'd contacted with a view to building his hybrid had been his good friend Donald Healey .
22 Steadily increasing amounts of their time , energy and money are being devoted to reckoning with us , not on the merits of the issues involved for the most part , but instead with a view to destroying our movement by discrediting those who comprise it .
23 The purchase of basement premises in Altrincham ( previously used for the storage of bank records ) with a view to converting them into a restaurant to be called ‘ The Altrincham Cellar ’ .
24 Their two-year project initially involves the implementation of software on a massively parallel Single Instruction , Multiple Data system , with a view to converting it for Multiple Instruction , Multiple Data systems at a later date .
25 The aim is to scrutinize it with a view to stopping it coming through the door next time .
26 It is true , certainly , that a number of workers who have investigated it with a view to debunking it were so impressed by the results which could be obtained with it that they became its champions instead of its detractors .
27 I am about to acquire a C reg Range Rover EFi with a view to using it as my sleeping quarters on holiday .
28 Existing software which incorporates documentation procedures is being evaluated with a view to using it as a basis for this development .
29 By section 12 , the senior police officer is empowered to impose conditions on the proposed march if he reasonably believes that it may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or alternatively that the purpose of persons organising the march is to intimidate others ‘ with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do . ’
30 The wording of section 12(1) ( b ) is , however , slightly unfortunate in requiring the intimidation of others ‘ with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do . ’
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