Example sentences of "view [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 I began to see how they constructed a world view through the way they worked and what I wanted was irrelevant really .
2 This discreteness does not encourage a unity of view about the way in which vision , total purpose and the management of whole-school quality assurance can be developed .
3 Dr Banda , abroad for more than forty years during the colonial period , has a very paternalistic view of the way Malawi should be run .
4 ‘ The finest views are from the bottom , and at some places a little above it , but few dare venture to the bottom particularly those females whose pedestrian excursions have chiefly been upon level ground ; nay the male sex are often appalled with a view of the way , and many a Bond-street gentleman , in his stable costume , would rather hazard his neck four-in-hand , than risk it by having his arms precariously supported by the twigs and branches he may find in his way to the gulph below . ’
5 And — an important factor this , in view of the way that we found some commercial lenders now tend to make repetitive and cumulative borrowing almost an end in itself , rather than simply the means of funding one desired purchase — the union has no interest in persuading its members to borrow .
6 However , a consideration of the processes involved in developmental change invites a more critical view of the way in which these terms are used .
7 Modern elite theory differs from its antecedents in aristocratic and normative elitism because it puts forward an empirical picture of the way human societies operate which is not closely linked to a particular view of the way social arrangements should be organized .
8 Sartre never broaches the question of the other crimes committed by Stalin ( which is just as well in view of the way the argument is going ) nor does he address the obvious problem that his own identification of Stalin as the practical Marxist of specificities against Trotsky 's abstract universalism runs directly counter to the fact that Stalinism produced the most clear-cut example of a Marxism which internalized an abstract schema within itself .
9 Some have been worried about the unscientific standing of this later work , but the worries are based on a mistaken view of the way in which science develops , and ignore its need for bold speculations .
10 His own view of the way this field is structured posits two contradictory tendencies — on the one hand , music which affirms or accepts the social status quo ; on the other , music ( of the avant garde ) which refuses such affirmation .
11 Apart from providing some insight into Halliday 's view of the way in which theme is realized in discourse , the discussion of topic is also of particular interest here because it highlights an area of considerable potential confusion for translators interested in the thematic analysis of topic-prominent languages .
12 However , this does imply a rather static and mechanical view of the way in which memories may be fixed within the brain .
13 Er but erm the fact is i if you 're a non-taxpayer , obviously we 've got to take a different view of the way you that you might invest money .
14 There were also indications that branches of physical geography were acknowledging the necessity for studies of processes in view of the way in which processes were featuring more prominently in related disciplines .
15 That is worrying in view of the way in which the Government have handled the purchasing grant — the acquisition grant — of the galleries in the past few years .
16 He had been somewhat apprehensive about the encounter in view of the way their last meeting had ended , but fortunately she seemed to have put her irritation behind her .
17 In view of the way in which the government treated universities in 1861 and 1862 , the law of June 1863 which redesigned their modus operandi preserved a remarkable degree of the generosity towards them which had been evident in the second half of the 1850s .
18 What is your view of the way Edward was treated after his abdication .
19 His main theme was the increasing power of Rome in the Mediterranean and this , as Momigliano points out , Provided him with a new historical perspective : ‘ Just because Fortune made almost all the affairs of the world incline in one direction , it is the historian 's task to put before his readers a compendious view of the ways in which Fortune accomplished her purposes . ’
20 It is not necessary to consider the facts further in this case , since Hambros Jersey does not challenge the judge 's view on the way the court 's discretion under rule 12.12 should be exercised ( save on the one point I have rejected ) .
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