Example sentences of "using [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When knitting the water-lily pattern as an all-over design , I actually like black as the background and white or a pastel colour for the contrast , using the paler colour for the welts and details , as illustrated .
2 I can only stress again the importance of using the higher figures . ’
3 Using the wider kin group as the basis for organizing social and economic life may not be characteristic of contemporary Britain , but some of the groups who have migrated to this country since the Second World War have brought with them , and retained , a pattern of kin relationships which differs from the white British norm and which in some cases includes a preference for cousin marriage .
4 Although the cultural background is different , a similar pattern of using the wider kin network for mutual aid has operated in earlier migrations , for example migration from rural Lancashire into the growing industrial towns in the early nineteenth century ( Anderson , 1971 ) , or Irish migration to America and elsewhere ( Arensberg and Kimball , 1968 ) .
5 Things get even worse using the simpler network benchmarks found in both the Norton and PC Tools 8 Sys Info programs : the Kamco lagged even further behind the other two servers we looked at .
6 Put the curlers in , using the larger size at the front and at the crown .
7 When it did become available , it was possible to repeat some of the earlier investigations with the CED and OALD using the larger sample size that was recommended , and to include the LDOCE as a further choice of dictionary .
8 While the exercises in this book are quite small and it is possible to get around using the simple cursor movements alone , you should practise using the faster ones because in longer documents you will need to be able to use all the short cuts you can .
9 A question which is often asked is , ‘ Are there any risks involved in using the quicker procedure of submitting a Building Notice rather than depositing full plans ? ’
10 At first , no doubt , it was in the nature of an exercise just to see if he could still write : he was working very closely to the structure of " Burnt Norton " and seemed to be using the earlier poem as a model from which to draw inspiration .
11 Rabbani , he said , had violated the Peshawar Accord by using the smaller Leadership Council [ see p. 38915 ] , made up of mujaheddin leaders , as a personal power base .
12 Made some fatuous comment about using the smaller car .
13 However , the z-score for the newly indexed definitions ( using the longer lexicon ) is almost double that of the earlier version .
14 Using the broader measure of the proportion of the population living in a household headed by a NCWP-born person , the South East headed the regional averages in 1981 , closely followed by the West Midlands region , but again the main contrasts are more local in nature .
15 You might consider moving the stops to allow for a thicker door , or if this is impractical , using a thicker door and rebating the edges to the existing thickness so that it fits the frame .
16 If you are using a thicker yarn , particularly a fancy one , then some of the nicest fabrics I 've seen were ones where you 'd hardly suspect the presence of a punchcard .
17 Using a stricter definition of a case of depression produced only a small difference in depression prevalence between these two age groups ( 4.5 per cent and 5.5 per cent respectively ) .
18 There would be an advantage , however , in using a stiffer-shafted club because the resulting higher torsional stiffness increases accuracy .
19 When imported cloth became more difficult to obtain from the mid 1980s tailors and seamstresses reverted to using a higher proportion of home-spun cloth woven on handlooms .
20 There 's no alternative , I 'm afraid , to covering up for a few days , using a higher SPF sunscreen and taking care to stay out of the sun as much as possible .
21 If it set too high , then performance will be poor since it will be completing its workload using a higher number of smaller portions than necessary .
22 Incidentally , I 've been using a better copy of PagePlus 2 ( due to be launched in March ) and I have to say I 'm very impressed .
23 Try using a paler shadow at the inner corner of the lids and blend to a deeper tone on the outside .
24 In most circumstances you are better off using a lower resolution and clearer text .
25 Did n't you compensate by using a heavier gauge string ?
26 Overall , teachers are using a greater mix of materials , including library books , computer software and interactive video .
27 Using a greater number of segments will create more surfaces to glue and a greater difficulty in assembling the segments to form the ring .
28 If using a longer message or saying , you could insert thin decorative lines between each line of text .
29 For example , try using a longer piece of airline .
30 They have been adopted by the Kite Society who undertook to organise a Rokkaku League for 1987 in the UK , coupled with a supplementary challenge for solo flyers using a smaller Sanjo .
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