Example sentences of "health [noun sg] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The new core services with Lothian Health Board comprise the following : —
2 Members of the senior management within the health service have The Northern Echo that they believe the merger question will crop up once the purchasing consortiums have begun operating .
3 ‘ The national campaign points out that over the past year as more and more hospitals have opted out of health authority control a two-tier system in health care has developed .
4 The pollution-free air has made the World Health Authority recommend the Costa Blanca as one of the most healthy places to live .
5 The health authority say a consultant anaesthetist living in Colwyn Bay is available .
6 Does the health authority employ a qualified occupational health team with well-developed counselling skills ?
7 Does the health authority have an occupational health service which is readily accessible to all nurses ?
8 If a high proportion of its population obtains private treatment should a health authority purchase the same pattern of care from the NHS as one whose population does not have access to the private sector ?
9 He was told that there was a waiting list and that he must be referred by his General Practitioner , as a National Health Service patient , in order that the local Health Authority provide the necessary funding , as the operation is only available on the N.H.S.
10 Moreover , the comprehensive Primary Health Care ( PHC ) movement and the Community Health movement have an inbuilt affinity to the CD approach , an affinity which needs to be acknowledged and promoted .
11 Right what that is is erm usually when you take out erm health insurance cover the payments will be deferred for a specified period of time , that could be four weeks , eight weeks , it could be six months , twelve months so the
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