Example sentences of "saw [pn reflx] as the " in BNC.

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1 It is evident that Ricardou had established a new doxa of reflexivity from which no deviations could be permitted , such was the extent to which he saw himself as the custodian of a radical modernity .
2 The poet , playwright and painter , Stanislaw Wyspiański ( 1869–1907 ) , saw himself as the bridge over the confused gulf that separated the Polish intelligentsia and the peasantry , the perfect representative of the Young Poland movement that contained all the bitterness of repeated national defeats , all the resignation of patriots who felt they could change nothing , and all the compromised hopes for material change that the Positivists saw in Poland 's potential industrial wealth under foreign rule .
3 It means that Paul VI saw himself as the true heir of Pope John — but of a very different Pope John from the version usually presented to the public .
4 Nothing is as it seems , he maintains : he never really saw himself as the prototype Cockney photographer from Blow Up ; he sees himself more as Puck from A Midsummer Night 's Dream .
5 In his mind 's eye , Preston saw himself as the daddy in one of the twins ' bedtime books .
6 Nehru saw himself as the central figure ; the veteran of the fight against colonialism and the apostle of non-alignment .
7 Paros had been a failure ; but Miltiades ' son Kimon pursued a similar line in the 470s and 460s , showing that he saw himself as the heir to his father 's policies as well as his debts ( for which see Plut .
8 He saw himself as the only point of free will in the landscape before him , and if he could move his body with a purpose , then his mind would shake off the slough of misery and clear for action .
9 He saw himself as the political leader of the Evangelicals , but in reality his views were too extreme and his style too combative for him to command general support .
10 Mandeville , who saw himself as the King 's own commissioner and therefore self-appointed leader , shouted orders ; the great gates swung open , and he led us out .
11 Franco , however , would not delegate because he saw himself as the only person capable of carrying out the mission of maintaining a united Spain .
12 Innocent had not controlled French aspirations but he had made it clear that he saw himself as the arbiter of Europe and John 's cession of his kingdom in 1213 considerably strengthened the pope 's hand .
13 The Labour Party , with considerable justification , saw itself as the " united front of the working class " and found little reason for joint activity with sectarian minorities on the Left .
14 Emily saw herself as the Elephant 's Child in the Just So Stories , drawn by her ‘ satiable curiosity to partake of all new experience .
15 In the 380s and 390s pagan aristocrats such as Q. A. Symmachus , Vettius Agorius Praetextatus , or Nicomachus Flavianus , alienated from the Christian court and from the men newly risen through its patronage into the upper ranks of society , saw themselves as the guardians of ancient Roman values , including Roman religion , literature , and even artistic styles .
16 Indeed there is no doubt that in overthrowing capitalism , and seeing it as the source of all modern evils , the Soviets saw themselves as the true heirs of the Enlightenment .
17 The delegates , again often chosen by public meetings , saw themselves as the aroused mass of principled antislavery , cutting across the political and religious differences of their communities .
18 Further attempts at fostering were not tried , and the residential workers saw themselves as the main people in Michael 's life .
19 The magnates saw themselves as the natural counsellors of the king , and argued in the Boulogne agreement and in the petition against the Despensers that they had a duty to act to protect the realm if the king was being led by unwise counsel .
20 That is , it originally comprised the band of Dionysus-worshippers who , in their ecstatic state , saw themselves as the god 's goatlike attendants , fictitious nature spirits in a fictitious natural state .
21 They shared the community 's commitment to education and saw themselves as the vanguard of it .
22 They were both arrogant , both lechers , both saw themselves as the answer to all the problems on earth .
23 Resisters , on the other hand , saw themselves as the nation-in-arms .
24 The Communists saw themselves as the only alternative to the Labour , Liberal and Conservative Parties .
25 Whilst I saw myself as the hero 's faithful sidekick got up as I was in cowboy gloves with real leather fringes , two guns in holsters buckled on and tied around the leg for fast draws , ten gallon hat and waistcoat , Skippy insisted that I be the daughter of the murdered rancher whose cattle were being rustled .
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