Example sentences of "saw [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rosie saw through her friend .
2 Susan shut her eyes and saw through her monster 's .
3 ‘ Sensibly the jury saw through your wickedness , ’ added the judge .
4 For the first time she saw through his mask of precocious intelligence and saw how vulnerable he was , how frail in spite of all .
5 The young men who had grown to manhood in the past fourteen years had had no experience of war , and little of fighting , other than the kind that might break out between neighbours , or the kind they saw during their service at court , when a raid on coast or frontier had to be repelled , or the King 's justice enforced .
6 The developers hope the scheme will return Cowley to the kind of economic success it saw during its motoring heyday .
7 The following are my reflections on what I saw during my time in the Philippines of the efforts to build a Philippine health movement .
8 On these occasions the gloves came off as the Service most adversely affected sought support in Parliament , in the media , from industry , and from the electorate , in what it saw as its fight for survival .
9 If it was not free from unwelcome intervention the papacy could not be active in what it saw as its role .
10 The painting was agreed to by Luce in part to recompense for what she saw as her misjudgment of her dead friend .
11 Had she merely stated that she did not wish to have a baby , she would have been considered failing in what she saw as her role in life .
12 He built roads , schools , hospitals , and sent students abroad for further education , most to France and some to Germany , which many Iranians still saw as their friend simply because it was the traditional enemy of both Britain and Russia .
13 She said , ‘ What 's this ? ’ it did n't matter to her what it was — a piece of stone in the hearth — just something to talk about — an embarrassed need for words to cover what she saw as his rejection .
14 ‘ You see , maman , I have to remind him to say ‘ we ’ , ' Richard said importantly , pressing home what he saw as his advantage .
15 He continued to regret the limitation on his career development imposed by what he saw as his confinement to Art teaching .
16 All they ever saw of their guide was a faint distant tail-light , and then only rarely , at irregular moments after long periods of doubt when it seemed that they had lost the scent , made the wrong decision at some unmarked junction up in the stormy darkness .
17 Breeze looked up , meaning to expostulate , but was silenced by what she saw in her sister 's face .
18 But she could not express in words what she saw in her head .
19 She also wore a new lipstick called Chloe , which took some attention away from the slight sallowness she imagined she saw in her complexion , and a splash of light cologne .
20 She saw in her mind the woman who sat in the same seat day after day .
21 And yet it was not the face of her customer that she saw in her mind , but the strong lean jaw and the dark unfathomable eyes of a stranger .
22 Briefly she saw in her mind a slender girl walking the shore , beating her hands one against the other in bitter rebellion .
23 She saw in her mind 's eye rude naked women and flames as upright and stiff as those on the covers of boxes of fireworks .
24 It was of no help to her inner disquiet , as she left her room , that she saw in her mind 's eye a picture of the aristocratic-looking Ven Gajdusek .
25 She loved Sharpe , yet she saw in her lover the embodiment of those ghouls who had been used to scare her into childhood obedience .
26 Mrs Rumney looked at me in silence for a few moments and I saw in her face the dawning of relief and hope .
27 She did n't answer : Nick saw in her face the struggle she always had with herself before she went in the water .
28 He saw in her face what he expected to see .
29 She had hated the pity she thought that she saw in her mama and papa 's eyes , and when her papa had suggested that she might like to spend a year in London with her Uncle Orrin , be presented at court , meet his old friend the Prince of Wales , now King Edward VII , again , she had agreed with alacrity — she , who had hated being parted from her mama and papa .
30 Whatever they may have told the pollsters , there must have been countless voters who , as they finally confronted their choice , saw in their mind 's eye the image of a beaming Neil and Glenys standing at the door of Number 10 , and thought , dammit — prompting them to switch back to that decent , straightforward , reliable Mr Major .
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