Example sentences of "saw [noun] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Wealthy party members , including newspaper owners and businessmen , saw McCarthy as a weapon with which they could ensure victory in 1952 , and backed the Senator financially .
2 Translated as the historical purpose of the bourgeois , Marx saw money as the necessary stripping away of every vestment of the ancien régime , every personal relation of family and society , which would provide the essential foundation for the possibility of communism .
3 Yet might there not have been some confused episode , something which , when Irina was much younger , had distressed her , appalled them both , something which neither of them in their childishness — for here Ludens saw Marcus as a child — had really understood ?
4 In 1900 it denied that hysteria had ‘ anything to do with sexual passion , either with its excitement , suppression or gratification ’ , and in a discussion in 1914 a doctor saw hysteria as a product of inactivity in a section of the brain so that ‘ the less a hysterical patient likes any line of treatment , the more good it is likely to do if firmly applied .
5 Some of these saw Communism as a pretty serious threat to a way of life that included cricket , and for these people Hitler was more than a passing attraction .
6 Dulles , whose experience in foreign policy stretched back to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 , saw communism as an evil system which should not just be " contained " but positively " rolled back " .
7 Television 's enormous shift of emphasis on to defence issues in the third week of the campaign correlated with a huge rise in the number of voters who saw defence as the Conservative Party 's main campaign theme , but with only a modest rise in the number of who wanted a defence debate .
8 Again I saw change as the enemy .
9 It was important for this connection that the model of biological evolution used should be one that saw change as the cumulative product of the actions of individual organisms over many generations .
10 Hitler saw Czechoslovakia as the key to breaking Germany 's encirclement while Neville Chamberlain excused his appeasement of Hitler with the excuse that he knew nothing about the Czechs .
11 The moments they portray are the life of the next world , for the Egyptians saw paradise as an idealized version of their own lives along the banks of the Nile .
12 First , we shall look at the view of Dr L , ( at the time of interview , the head of department at B ) , who saw physics as a discipline essentially concerned with fundamental rules and laws :
13 Rather than pub landlord or beanery boss , Lorne saw Gary as a celebrity restaurateur .
14 Durkheim 's investigations into religion , with their historic results , were prompted by the fact that he saw religion as the major source of values and , despite increasing secularisation , religion still plays an influential role in society 's moral codes .
15 In 1955 he wrote to Philip Mairet , to whom he had dedicated Notes towards the Definition of Culture , stressing that he saw ritual as an essential element in life .
16 But the Buxton clan also saw emancipation as a family triumph .
17 Each distilled their football to pure essence — England brave , dogged , hard-tackling , hard-running ; West Germany all of this , but with a more cerebral approach and a technical proficiency to their skills ; Italy were graceful , inventive , passionate , defensively-minded but flecked with great individual skill ; and then there was Brazil — inspired by Pele , Tostao , Jarizinho , Gerson and Rivelino , they saw football as a means to creating beauty , and scoring goals as a form of existential ecstasy .
18 Durkheim saw crime as a normal phenomenon in society : ‘ it is a factor in public health and an integral part of all societies … crime , is , then , necessary ’ ( from The Rules of Sociological Method , first published in 1895 ) .
19 As ex-communists hung on in Serbia , many Croats and Slovenes saw independence as the fast track to democracy .
20 Nonconformists saw slavery as an affront to their religion ; utilitarians dismissed it as inefficient .
21 Eden , who in pre-war days had fought a losing battle in British politics against the appeasement of the dictators , saw Nasser as the reincarnation of Mussolini , if not of Hitler ; and in consequence , tried to use a sledge-hammer to crack a nut .
22 Most consumers had bought stereo equipment by then , and equipment manufacturers saw quadraphony as a golden opportunity to cash in on sales of new records , pickups , amplifiers , and loudspeakers .
23 Jardine saw opium as the only source of ready Chinese currency , with which to trade in silk , tea , and other items .
24 St Isidore of Seville ( d. 636 ) saw Spain as a Christian land , in which the separate identities of Goth and Roman were no longer of any but historical interest .
25 This letter implies that Richardson saw Leapor as a poet of genuine merit .
26 Through Brian Way 's influence a new kind of college course was emerging that saw drama as the basis for the students ' own personal development .
27 Lamarckism was part of a rival world view , which stressed the ability of living things to transcend material limitations and which saw Nature as a harmonious whole rather than a scene of constant struggle .
28 David saw ACSS as a pressure group ( ‘ Not like Greenpeace .
29 Far from welcoming the new challenges and opportunities , many saw retirement as a kind of bogeyman who trailed in his wake the threats of a lower standard of living , boredom and impending old age .
30 Twenty years ago people argued about definitions but they did not really disagree about a system of values which centred the individual 's worth in a family context and saw counselling as the social worker 's core skill .
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