Example sentences of "take [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Should save up and take Sarah on holiday .
2 Barclays will take payment by transfer from other banks and most building societies .
3 His argument was that the Church of Ireland was ‘ poisoned by ecumenism ’ and as such he , as a Free Presbyterian , could not take part in fund-raising on its behalf .
4 Although only pure-bred dogs can take part in breed classes at shows , there are other opportunities for cross-breds , most notably in obedience and agility competitions .
5 James Watt students from a variety of vocational areas will take part in exchange visits and joint projects with Belgian students .
6 Supporters across the globe will take part in fundraising support climbs on their local hills , and their money will go to provide fresh water for the village of Askole on the way to K2 , where infant mortality is 50% , and other schemes on every continent .
7 Visitors can take part in canoeing , sailing , climbing and horse riding and the Treloar students would like to provide the centre with three new stables and a store room , to double the size of the existing stable block .
8 The perchlorate ion can occur as isolated , undistorted ions , or as distorted but essentially unattached ions , loosely attached through one or two oxygen atoms to one or two metal ions , or it may take part in hydrogen bonding to water molecules in hydrated salts .
9 In July , when Nationalists protested at the failure of the corporation to appoint Nationalists to committee chairs , the mayor pointed out that fifteen or sixteen years ago the Nationalists had said that they would refuse to take such chairs and that they would only take part in corporation affairs in order to disrupt them .
10 The proposal got as far as a White Paper which suggested a two-tier system — life peers with voting rights and other members who could take part in debate but not vote .
11 CCG sponsored the weekend and Bob Rae of the training department is keen to see more staff take part in Executive Stretch .
12 However , Ambrose also found that these ‘ spiralists ’ did take part in community life , and did n't see the village as a transient bus stop as Pahl had forecast .
13 These cultures are viewed as remote and distant , and few teachers go out into the community to learn or take part in community activities …
14 No one from Northern Ireland can take part in conference debates or vote on conference resolutions .
15 Holiday magic in the park FAMILIES can take part in wildlife magical mystery tours in Marbury Country Park , Northwich , during the schools ' summer holidays .
16 Where people do not take part in politics , the study enquires whether this is due to satisfaction , hostility or apathy and in what circumstances people might come to take a more active part .
17 However the Tories , who have gone into coalition only in times of great national danger , can take heart from history .
18 All teachers are or should take responsibility for guidance work .
19 Beiersdorf will take responsibility for research and brand development , production and marketing everywhere except Australia and South Africa .
20 Transcription gon na take ages to type .
21 How long before she learned that folk 'll always take advantage of weakness ?
22 The British felt very confident of their position at sea ; to reinforce the strength of their blockage they laid down unilaterally the rule of 1756 that neutrals could not take advantage of wartime conditions to enter upon trade that would not have been allowed in peacetime .
23 The Labour leadership has already stated that it will take advantage of instalment payments still outstanding from the sale of shares in British Telecom and the Scottish electricity companies .
24 Once you have set up your programs ready to run from within the DOS shell , you can take advantage of DOS 5 's ability to run more than one program at the same time .
25 Very often it 's to try and take advantage of price deals , but also it 's because we now know there perhaps is n't the urgency to buy a holiday in February because we know there 'll be plenty around still in June or July .
26 The choice is varied and students may take advantage of tuition in many sports or alternatively may organize their own programme of activities and book the various sports facilities at times which suit their academic timetables .
27 The director of a haulage company who would like to retire as soon as is practicable and leave much of the management of the firm to his children may take advantage of retirement relief .
28 Other than these disclosures , the DTI may also take action towards disqualification or prosecute on other Companies Act offences .
29 Most of the agencies that we shall be describing in the following sections would claim to offer information , advice and assistance but some are dubious as to the extent to which they should take action on behalf of a client and some will refer a matter on to specialists when they reach the limits of their competence .
30 and the building societies at one time would not take overtime into account , but in the eighties oh my God , you know , how much , oh have as much as you want
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