Example sentences of "person [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The person I admire the most is my daughter-in-law India Miller .
2 At common law any power of attorney lapses immediately the person who granted the power becomes incompetent .
3 Section 3 states : Where work of construction , repair , maintenance or demolition or any other work is done on or in relation to premises , any duty of care owed , because of the doing of the work , to persons who might reasonably be expected to be affected by defects in the state of the premises created by the doing of the work shall not be abated by subsequent disposal of the premises by the person who owed the duty .
4 But in the classroom , the roles are often reversed : the person who asks the questions is the one who is assumed to be more knowledgeable .
5 In everyday terms , a successful explanation is simply one that satisfies the person who asked the question .
6 The person who spotted the most hazards was Guinness pensioner , who wins a £25 Guinness voucher .
7 There is a prize of £5 on offer for the person who gets the most correct answers .
8 Remember , there is a prize of £5.00 for the person who gets the most correct answers .
9 ‘ Supplies have n't gone into the shops yet so the person who sent the knives to you and Tavett almost certainly bought them from the market , unless it was from another man in another pub . ’
10 ‘ The person who sent the poison pen letter certainly thinks of you as my wife .
11 In most cases there will be physical contact between the accused and his victim and this can be proved by any person who witnessed the offence .
12 In other words , a facilitator is ultimately a person who helps the group bypass its defensive routines instead of helping them to learn to engage them in order to get rid of them .
13 We 're checking on every person who spent the night under this roof , in order to build up the fullest picture of events .
14 The person who uses the phrase ‘ I 'm not prejudiced but … ’ implies some image of what the ‘ prejudiced ’ person is like , and this image is similar to that held by Voltaire , in that the prejudiced person is presumed to hold views , which have not been formed rationally .
15 Why this denial of individual autonomy should be permitted , when it is not in the case of a person who uses the offending words under section 22 ( cable broadcasting services ) is unclear .
16 A person who uses the highway for any purpose other than that of passage becomes a trespasser against the owners of the subsoil .
17 ‘ That you ’ Means the identity of the person who had the offensive weapon with him .
18 It 's probably up to the person who had the affair to help with this painful passage to reconciliation .
19 ( b ) Contact orders A local authority must allow a child in care to have reasonable contact with : ( i ) his parents ; ( ii ) any guardian ; ( iii ) any person who had the benefit of a residence order immediately before the care order was made ; and ( iv ) any person who had care of the child immediately before the care order was made by virtue of an order made under the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court ( s34(1) ) .
20 First , that the plaintiff in the action and the person who launched the proceedings for contempt was not represented before the court .
21 ‘ It shall be the duty of any person who undertakes the design or manufacture of any article for use at work to carry out or arrange for the carrying out of any necessary research with a view to the discovery and , so far as is reasonably practicable , the elimination or minimisation of any risks to health or safety to which the design or article may give rise . ’
22 ‘ It shall be the duty of any person who undertakes the manufacture of any substance for use at work to carry out or arrange for the carrying out of any necessary research with a view to the discovery and , so far as is reasonably practicable , the elimination or minimisation of any risks to health or safety to which the substance may give rise . ’
23 For the person who appreciates the beauty of poetry , the path through ecstasy and the peak experience is easy to see and it leads directly to the highest mysticism , ending in release and beyond .
24 The person who signs the form should be 18 or over .
25 The person who crosses the finish line first in a race has definitely had the most superior performance that day .
26 ‘ Let's just say , Mr Newman , that in so many murder enquiries the culprit turns out to be the person who discovered the body .
27 The person who prescribed the medicine may have had homoeopathic experience but was not using homoeopathy in this case .
28 If after our Booking Allocation has been issued , you wish to change to another of our holidays or alter your booking in any way ( e.g. by changing your departure date or accommodation ) we will do our utmost to make the changes , provided written notification is received at our offices from the person who signed the Booking Form , or your Travel Agent , at least six weeks before your departure date .
29 Yes , but you will appreciate that we begin to incur costs from the time we reserve your holiday and should you or any member of your party cancel your booking once it has been accepted , this must be in writing , signed by the person who signed the Booking Form .
30 You or any member of your party may cancel you booking , or part of it once it has been confirmed , but the instructions will only be valid if in writing and signed by the person who signed the Booking Form .
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