Example sentences of "until after the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Once called , inaccurately , the ‘ Great American Desert ’ , the plains region was generally ignored by white Americans until after the Civil War .
2 He maintained this public position until after the Arab summit in Cairo on Aug. 10 , despite having earlier approved the dispatch of US forces to Saudi Arabia .
3 Their panel wo n't be named until after the Junior World Cup which starts in Terrassa , Spain , next month .
4 However , they keep quiet about Oldham 's contribution to the consolidated accounts by not issuing the Oldham balance sheet until after the annual meeting of MEPC .
5 The Petrine military system remained unchanged in essentials until after the Crimean War .
6 Newspapers would become part of the agreement to keep the message secret until after the traditional 3pm TV broadcast .
7 Their relationship was kept a secret until after the polar trek .
8 There is no clear identity between the apostles and the priesthood , which did not develop until after the New Testament period .
9 ‘ Oh , no — not until after the New Year , ’ was the reply .
10 Mrs Patient of Bracknell , Berks , said : ‘ I could n't believe that it took four of them to stand there and say they could n't do the work until after the New Year .
11 Carol had quite enough to do with her own job and all her own shopping without preparing meals as well and she hoped she would have a little rest after Christmas , now that people took time off in lots of offices until after the New Year .
12 This was solved by redefining jumps so that they do not take effect until after the following instruction ; this is a delayed jump .
13 Both insisted that any bilateral talks should wait until after the international conference , for which a date had at last been set : President Roosevelt issued a statement on 4 September inviting the nations of the world to a conference on international civil aviation to be held in Chicago in November .
14 CRITICAL decisions on how employment laws would operate under a Labour government will be left until after the general election , Michael Meacher , the shadow Employment Secretary , said yesterday .
15 Our previous discussion has explained that the Bretton Woods system did not become fully operational until after the general acceptance of current account convertibility in 1958 .
16 Does my right hon. Friend agree that , as the all-party talks on the future administration of the Province are stalled , probably until after the general election , and as the previous review of local government in Northern Ireland took place more than 20 years ago , this is an ideal moment for an independent body to be asked to consider the structure and limited powers of present local authorities in terms of whether they meet the contemporary aspirations of people in Northern Ireland ?
17 However , the form and shape of privatisation will not be determined until after the general election .
18 No decisions on the timing or form of privatisation will be taken until after the general election .
19 In the face of severe criticism from all parties Modrow conceded on Jan. 12 that no such office would be set up until after the general election .
20 They demanded that no action be taken on the SED-PDS proposal , involving creation of a new Office for the Protection of the Constitution , until after the general election .
21 President Francesco Cossiga made it clear , however , that he was unhappy with Andreotti 's postponement of discussion of constitutional reform until after the general election due in 1992 .
22 He told conference delegates he had been asked by the BNFL board and the Government to continue in his post for a short period after March 31 as his successor — John Guinness , currently Permanent Secretary in the DoE — could not easily be released from that post until after the general election .
23 Although the plans are on hold until after the General Election , they could form the basis of a consultation document should the Conservatives be returned .
24 And they suggested many employers are holding back bad economic news until after the general election .
25 George Neilson in Scotland [ q.v. ] , and Goddard Orpen in Ireland , she was to prove in a stream of articles and books that motte and bailey castles did not appear in these isles until after the Norman invasion .
26 The second complaint made by the local authority is that the justices specifically said by paragraph ( 1 ) of their contact order that there should be no contact between T. and her father until after the local authority review in six months ' time .
27 ( 3 ) That the existence of pending proceedings in a court of superior jurisdiction was a factor to be taken into account by a judge in deciding how in the interests of justice to exercise his powers to regulate proceedings in his own court ; that the district judge had properly assessed the situation and had not erred in refusing to postpone the trials in his court until after the High Court trial ; and that , accordingly , there had been no ground for interfering with his decision ( post , pp. 265F–G , 266G ) .
28 The college itself , established in 1787 , does not meet until after the national election .
29 The payment of means-tested benefits to the families of strikers was part of the poor law system from the end of the nineteenth century , but it was not until after the National Assistance Act , 1948 , that the conditions for the payment as well as the level of the benefit were improved .
30 The application of the lashes had been postponed until after the holy month of Ramadan , which in Saudi Arabia ended on 2 April .
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