Example sentences of "words which [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was all economic recession , bankruptcies and lay-offs , words which disguise the hundreds , perhaps thousands , of personal tragedies of unemployment and dashed hopes .
2 When you reply , use words which let the caller know you are paying attention .
3 Such lexical chains need not necessarily consist of words which mean the same , however .
4 However , it puts well , I think , the case that the real basis of any public relations solution should be able to be captured in a few words which reflect the concept involved .
5 Words which follow a verb to complete the predicate .
6 In the case of words which combine a fairly definite descriptive meaning with a valuational meaning it is rather a puzzle to say what correct linguistic usage bids one do , if one recognizes that something answers to the descriptive meaning , but does not have the attitude towards it which the word expresses in virtue of its ‘ value charge ’ , as one might put it .
7 The ‘ Sounds in Words ’ part of the test uses a picture-naming approach to elicit words which contain the relevant phonemes ; whereas the EAT focuses exclusively upon consonants , the Goldman-Fristoe test claims to sample all consonants ( except ‘ measure , ) , all vowels and the majority of English diphthongs .
8 The child is then required to retell the story , using the pictures as a guideline , in the expectation that the child will repeat the key words which contain the target phonemes .
9 In words which betray the influence of functionalist sociology , Titmuss wrote : " social policy … manifests society 's will to survive as an organic whole … and is centred ( on ) those institutions which encourage integration and discourage alienation " ( Titmuss 1963 : 39 ) .
10 He possessed in an extraordinary degree the gift of conciliation and could say the happy words which quell the rising storm ’ , wrote one of them .
11 Our ability to recognise words which violate the spelling-to-sound rules is in itself a demonstration that we do not always use the GPC route ; but a simple experiment can also serve this purpose .
12 However , it has been our aspiration to introduce ideas of more novelty and distinction , urging students to write accompaniments which have originality and may provide a unique framework for the melody and words which express the composer 's more intimate feelings .
13 In the first stage of this modified word-parsing strategy , only those matching words which are greater than two phonemes in length are stored on the word lattice ; all other one and two phoneme words which match the phonemic input are stored in a temporary buffer .
14 Invite as many different spellings as possible as a spoken nonsense word : discuss the suggested spellings , decide which are the most likely , and make lists of real words which fit the pattern , e.g. Games like these demonstrate to children the relationship between sound and symbol which it is fundamental to understand in order to become a competent speller .
15 Draw their attention to the -bal and ask for examples of real words which sound the same as frimble .
16 The first are words which describe the process of listening — hearing , concentration , silence .
17 The second are words which describe the feeling which we have about people who listen .
18 We hope it 's for the best , ’ said Mr Gennady Gerasimov , the chief spokesman , in pithy words which encapsulate the bold leap towards the Common European Home that Mr Egon Krenz , with Moscow 's backing , has made .
19 In such circumstances the language of kinship — that is to say the set of words which fulfil the domestic purposes of the English words " father " , " mother " , " brother " , " sister " , " uncle " , " aunt " , and so on — is used to denote what we might otherwise be inclined to regard as economic , political , legal or religious relationships .
20 Faithful to the original , his translation will use no words which include the letter ‘ e ’ .
21 Some words which narrate a story or describe a situation can be set in the form of musical prose and passed over fairly quickly , like the old recitative quoted above .
22 What we witness here is something resembling the Freudian proposition that the repressed returns via the very images , structures , and mechanisms of repression itself : the words which consummate the renewal of man , his salvation , these words return to signify the opposite of salvation which is damnation , and they signify also the desire which only damnation can acknowledge and which salvation must repress .
23 ) . We shall return to the problem of the interpretive work of the reader / listener in identifying the words which constitute the text , in the next section .
24 One way would be for the letter detector for , say , Y-in-the-fifth-position to have inhibitory links not only to the word detectors for words which have any other letter in that position , but also to those detectors for words which have no fifth letter .
25 Every culture will organise the world according to its own perceptions of reality ; thus one language may have words which have no equivalent concept in another .
26 Signed Danish is a gestural/auditive language in which Danish is spoken at the same time as signs from the Sign Language are used for all words which have a concept , and as far as possible grammatical rules [ are used ] from sign language .
27 We have seen how entries in the internal lexicon can be more easily or less easily accessed according to whether they correspond to words which have a high or low frequency of occurrence in language .
28 Since this strategy works outwards from the highest scoring words , it is possible to show ( see Woods 1982 ) that islands always incorporate words which have a density score no greater than the words already in the island .
29 It is verbal irony when some character comes out with a statement or a choice of words which have a meaning to those in the know , either within the text or outside it , that is significantly different or even contradictory to that which the character may be supposed to have in mind .
30 Make lists of words which have the same stress pattern , keeping the lists as consistent as possible with regards to CV pattern and segmental length .
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