Example sentences of "come [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Load of savages they were , only come to see the girls .
2 Because we asked , we come to see the horses and he said well if I tell you he , he , he was English were n't he ?
3 These are of interest to horticulturalists and gardeners , as much as to those who come to see the animals .
4 Gradually I get out of the unscientific habit of trying to read other people 's faces , and come to see the bodies from which personality has faded as the automata which for scientific explanation they already are .
5 Construct systems that are inadequate to a particular experience generate doubt and uncertainty and in this way come to promote the reconstructions that will replace them .
6 Now it is a prosperous place , making its living from light industry and the visitors who come to tour the battlefields .
7 These stories usually counterpoise the young , inexperienced , or work-shy regular recruit with the wise and diligent old-timer on the reserves , although part-time reserve police quickly come to know the bounds within which they too can ‘ slack off ’ or ease , which are much narrower .
8 Gradually , however , she had grown into her role as wisewoman and witch , and come to accept the powers others attributed to her , and agree that she might be the special source and cause .
9 The three main works — by Trevor Wilson , Roy Douglas , and Chris Cook — are all rather slight when they come to tackle the complexities of the Liberal attitude during the crisis .
10 Thus is it not resonable to suppose that when we come to play the likes of Liverpool , Arsenal , Norwich and Man Utd that once again these teams will once again expose our defencies and we 'll be on the loosing end of the scoreline .
11 The squirrels too , who come to steal the birds ' nuts are a constant source of entertainment .
12 The aim of the research is to find out how children come to comprehend the requirements of effective verbal communication and the causes of communication failure .
13 That 's when , when we come to do the windows , we 've got to go back too the
14 Once the floorboard piece has beer cut through and removed , you will be able to see whether any electric cables and/or central heating pipes are likely to cause trouble when you come to put the floorboards back down again .
15 When we come to consider the activities of insurance companies as a form of financial intermediation this distinction between the two types of business will be crucial .
16 But as soon as they come to rest the wings close and the animals become completely cryptic again .
17 Our Arthur , Arthur sat there and this girl come to clear the pots away and she 's been round lots of tables , you know , collecting the cups up together and she comes in and she goes ooh !
18 Many overseas students come to study the languages , history , culture and traditions of this country .
19 Objects come to symbolise the tips of icebergs of information .
20 The requirement , though , is for the effort to be made , so that students come to appreciate the standards of truth and evaluation internal to the discipline .
21 The Syrians had after all come to save the Christians .
22 Bacharach and Lawler ( 1980 ) distinguish between what they call the bases of power ( or what is controlled that enables behaviour to be changed ) and sources of power ( or how individuals or groups come to control the bases of power ) .
23 but of what we can not tell , for they come to represent the depths of feeling into which we can not peer .
24 This may be particularly important when we come to assess the relationships between the normativist style in public law and the political theory of conservatism .
25 Granovetter ( a pioneer of the study of this dimension of recruitment ) has argued that sociologists and economists have seriously neglected this aspect of ‘ the matching process ’ , i.e. the actual process whereby individuals come to get the jobs they do ( Granovetter , 1975 ) .
26 Lydia felt the need to remove herself , as people who stay in hotels get out of the way when the poor chambermaids come to make the beds .
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