Example sentences of "knew [pers pn] have been " in BNC.

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1 I knew I 'd been dreaming again ( or whatever we call it ) because , when I came out of it , the wooden post — that old pile I 'd clung to like a drowning man — was nowhere !
2 And yes , he knew I 'd been hit . ’
3 ‘ Well , I 'd been on the boat a few minutes when I heard someone pounding along the gangway and going ashore , so I knew I 'd been right . ’
4 You 'd met my father and mother , you knew I 'd been raised in a very repressed , almost Victorian household .
5 It was so clear that I knew I 'd been blind .
6 She was built like a javelin thrower , but she blushed and I knew I had been in good hands .
7 When I left and went to teach in war-torn London , I knew I had been right to make the most of those precious two years .
8 From that moment I knew I had been hit by something . ’
9 Yet he knew I had been taking the Pill every day . ’
10 And I knew I had been a child when I first came to live with him .
11 And now that I 'd forced myself to take it all out of its cobwebby cupboard and look at it remorselessly from start to finish , I knew I had been instinctively wise not to do it before .
12 When I looked it was a pellet and that was when I knew I had been shot .
13 She knew she 'd been right not to trust him , guessed she had lost his support and did the only thing possible — tore at the bread with her teeth , one bite , two … three — stuffing her mouth till the bread protruded and she could hardly chew .
14 They knew she 'd been drinking on the way in .
15 And then I , and I made this bit of a faux pas , I says , oh you must have got a very good rate , cos I knew she 'd been retired years and years , you see .
16 The soles of her feet and the then they knew she 'd been up on her feet you know .
17 Yet though she knew she 'd been a fool and totally lacking in self-control , still tangled in the sensual web he 'd spun so effortlessly , she could n't regret it .
18 Heaven knew she 'd been the subject of enough prurient curiosity in the few short weeks she 'd been running the club .
19 He was making her act like a gauche schoolgirl — Aurora Blake , who could hold thousands spellbound with the power of her voice , who could mix happily with kings and commoners — stammering apologetically because a man who had wandered unwanted and uninvited into her garden knew she 'd been looking at him !
20 The day she moved in she knew she had been defeated , that love , love for her mother and for her daughter , had defeated her .
21 She knew she had been dismissed from Algox because she had not been up for grabs .
22 Constance knew she had been insensitive , and was aware of how much she had hurt her mother .
23 She knew she had been brought up these last few years with her Aunt Alice and Uncle Stan because of the instability at home .
24 Writing in the mid-1970s we suggested that ‘ one suspects that , in 1951 , it would be potentially more disturbing for the victim if the world knew she had been ‘ intimate ’ with her boyfriend than it would today .
25 But now they were spoken she knew she had been right .
26 At the same time the near certainty that at least one member of the household knew she had been out of her bed before dawn put her in a state of nervous watchfulness .
27 He did not lift his head , but she could sense the hesitation in him and knew she had been right .
28 Whatever the precise date , she knew she had been here for the best part of a month , confined in this tumbledown shepherd 's dwelling among the mountains .
29 I knew she had been the housekeeper there since Hindley 's death .
30 It was a decision that she knew she had been putting off for far too long .
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