Example sentences of "knew [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As one person put it , ‘ The only ones who knew me from the time I was born have gone , and it 's almost as if that period in my life is less real now that there is no one left alive who shared it with me . ’
2 I did n't lack support ; the Spanish public knew me from the European Indoor .
3 To many this scene would have been unnerving and unsettling , particularly to those who knew them during the period known as the past .
4 I spoke to myself and I did n't listen : meaningless words on deaf ears , although they were true , and whoever I was meant them , and whoever I was speaking to knew them for the truth .
5 Then she knew nothing but the breaking wave , the sound of her voice crying out long strange words , and the power crushing her .
6 In his arms , pressed close against the hard , powerful body she 'd never been able to banish from her mind , she forgot everything but him , knew nothing but the agonising joy of being in his arms .
7 ‘ They knew nothing at the bookshop , sir ; his sister , Sara , seemed very upset ; she would n't believe that he was n't at home .
8 Starkey said yesterday that he knew nothing of the move and as far as he was concerned he was still on Cacoethes .
9 His embarrassment about self-disclosure gives the impression , belied by his other books , that he knew nothing of the mystery that grace works by means of human weakness , not by side-stepping it .
10 For how could a reader who knew nothing of the original matter — the origin of the Silmarils , the rise and fall of Numenor , the triumphs and ultimate ruin of Gondolin , etc. — find a way in ?
11 She knew nothing of the drugs or drop-out culture of her generation .
12 She knew nothing of the dawn of civilisation , but could all too clearly remember Daniel finding ichthyosaurus remains and telling her how they had swum the seas when dinosaurs roamed the land .
13 The family name was Fuller , and John Fuller — who knew nothing of the brewery trade — decided to bring in a Mr. Turner and a Mr. Smith and they formed a partnership which continues still as the well known firm of Fuller , Smith and Turner .
14 What was mocked was the arrogant superiority of the traditionally educated arts man who knew nothing of the second law of thermodynamics .
15 The man , whoever it was , knew nothing of the correct use of his weapon .
16 Youatt , in 1839 , wrote that the appointment of Vial as Professor was a flagrant and irreparable error , for he knew nothing of the diseases of cattle and their treatment .
17 She knew nothing of the real woman behind it .
18 ‘ Ted is not local , ’ he told Tamar , ‘ and knew nothing of the danger of that marsh .
19 That was a mythical representation of Scotland that owed everything to the prejudices of people who lived in the past and knew nothing of the realities of the Scotland that then existed .
20 The editor knew nothing of the story of Boyd 's promotion , about to be featured in the financial section , and she said firmly that it was Henry she wanted .
21 In 1977 yet another alibi witness surfaced , one Richard Hurn , who knew nothing of the case or of McMahon 's imprisonment but told a friend that he remembered seeing McMahon in London on the afternoon of the murder , a date which for other reasons he had cause to remember .
22 What did she know of this man who was now her husband , and what was to become of them , two strangers who had begun to be familiar with each other 's bodies but knew nothing of the thoughts and emotions that lay within .
23 I knew nothing of the facts of life until I got to my preparatory school , when at the age of thirteen , all of the boys who were leaving were summoned to the headmaster 's study .
24 But he knew nothing of the Pacific 's tides .
25 He could always claim of course that he knew nothing of the layout of the engine-room and had always assumed that there had to be a reserve tank or that in a panic-stricken concern for the welfare of his beloved niece he had quite forgotten that there was no such tank .
26 He knew nothing of the girl Louise Taylor , other than that she had arrived at Buckingham Palace three months earlier and had spent time coaching the prince and the duchess in Russian .
27 Sharpe did not reveal that the Prince of Orange knew nothing of the orders .
28 He may have shown indifference with his remark that Christians need not be ashamed if they knew nothing of the number and properties of the elements .
29 To Clara , it was always painfully conspicuous , an indictment of a way of life ; she knew nothing of the history of slop basins , nor of the society that evolved them and their joyless name , but the sight of one affected her like some shameful family secret .
30 Mr. Steed knew nothing of the sale .
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