Example sentences of "found [prep] the work " in BNC.

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1 The immanent method assumes that the ‘ truth ’ of a work is to be found within the work itself : or rather , it can be discovered by critical confrontation of the work 's ideal or concept — what it ‘ wants to be ’ — with its reality .
2 It is in fact only rarely openly acknowledged by other anthropologists , though the blanket rejection of evolution which is to be found in the work of many seems to imply .
3 The kinds of stages which we have found in the work of Marx and Engels seem now to most anthropologists much too moulded to European history , even taking into account the modifications which , as we saw , were gradually incorporated in their work to handle their growing knowledge of non-European societies .
4 The geometric origins of Constructivism can be found in the work of Pythagoras and its philosophy was prepared by Plato .
5 Rudolf 's reign saw a growing interest in decorative arts of great refinement and opulence , as found in the work in gold and jewels of the Jamnitzers or the designs of the Vredeman de Vries family , the pietra dura panels of the Castrucci or the glass and cameos of the Miseroni family ( see p. 121 ) .
6 The classic statement on the labelling perspective is found in the work of Howard Becker :
7 The outstanding example is to be found in the work of the greatest of the medieval theologians , Thomas Aquinas , who died in 1274 .
8 Such a model is to be found in the work of Nicolai Reymers Baer , official mathematician to the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II .
9 One approach to this problem , found in the work of Piaget , and of Goodenough and Harris , assumes that emerging features in children 's pictures denote underlying changes in their conceptual development .
10 Examples of unconventional graphology are found in the work of writers such as Sterne , Dickens , and Joyce , who , although widely separated in age and style , share an interest in the expressive power of the written symbol .
11 An illustrative case may be found in the work and practical impact of William Morris , who sought not only to recognize but also to ameliorate the social and aesthetic impact of the machine , partly under the influence of socialist ideas .
12 A parallel for this could well be found in the work of Sidonius 's friend Syagrius , a " Solon " active among the Burgundians by 470 .
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