Example sentences of "period [adv] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As a result there will indeed be a longer period where player B has less information on z .
2 The second limitation of this discussion is that it will concentrate on the Graeco-Roman world , as this was a period when coin designs were at their most varied .
3 Through the 1980s , there was an extended period when school rolls fell back and there are now 30 per cent fewer pupils now than there were .
4 The 1950s was a period when state intervention in childhood was highly visible .
5 Research has shown that in general , discounts are higher in placings than offers for sale , and that the timing of issue is important , with 1987 being a ‘ hot ’ issue period when share prices rose extremely fast and when discounts were high ( around 30 per cent at times ) .
6 It is almost certainly true to say that there never was any significant period when god worship and religion were as modern man would wish them to be , but instead , that they have always been corrupted , to some extent , to support greed and excess .
7 The book conveniently divides them into Staffordshire and non-Staffordshire , this is an entirely justifiable division , for throughout the period when lustre decoration was used ( from 1805 to the present ) Staffordshire was the workshop of the world as far as ceramic production was concerned .
8 ( Tobacco industry employment declined between 1980 and 1988 by 57% , mainly through automation , in a period when tobacco consumption declined by only 20% . )
9 The abandonment of the gold standard and the devaluation of sterling removed the theoretical justification which the Treatise supplied for public works in a period when bank rate was too high for purposes of domestic equilibrium .
10 Ginguene noted that in the period when Baroque style was current , and even after , Opéra soloists sang pretty freely for contexts , he specifies ‘ airs , monologues , duos , etc. ’ 'Singers thought they had the right to hurry or slow down , according to what the words seemed to demand or , more often , according to whim' The ‘ orchestra ’ had to accompany ‘ sometimes note for note , these uneven , shaky lines ’ .
11 Even after a period when interest rates were higher than we would have liked , 39 mortgage payers are still up to date .
12 In a period when car crime is a problem , I hope that manufacturers will begin to advertise cars using better security as a selling point .
13 HAS there ever been a period when world leaders , as Premiers and Presidents so love to be called , were such second-raters ?
14 For example , W. A. Speck 's work on division lists for Queen Anne 's reign shows that the vast majority of MPs voted consistently either Whig or Tory , with a mere 12.2 per cent wavering in their allegiance , whilst in a similar analysis of division lists for William 's reign , usually regarded as a period when party conflict was less clearly defined , Henry Horwitz found that only 14 per cent of MPs voted across party lines .
15 Unfortunately no division lists survive for the Commons for the years 1691 – 5 , and there are strong grounds for believing ( as will be discussed later ) that it was precisely in this period when party lines became most blurred .
16 This was a period when coal consumption , and hence the number of miners employed , was rapidly rising .
17 An exception to this rule occurs around the periparturient period when immunity wanes , particularly in heifers , and there are reports of clinical disease following calving .
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