Example sentences of "looking at [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hari mended the fire and sat back on her heels , looking at her blackened fingers .
2 He made an impatient movement and faced her , looking at her pure profile .
3 Looking at her recent outburst on America 's Saturday Night Live , in many ways the girl was right .
4 In looking at her tender and respectful image of a woman friend , forced to write to support herself and her widowed mother ‘ Portrait of Cornelia Knight ’ ( 1793 ) we see something more direct , less cluttered , and less rhetorical than the ‘ Portrait of Mary , 3rd Duchess of Richmond in a Turkish Dress ’ ( 1775 ) .
5 He returned the gesture , looking at her two new companions .
6 The big woman got to her feet now and , looking at her eldest son , she said , ‘ I 'm goin' up to get into me things . ’
7 Millie rose from the stool and , looking at her prospective and harassed mistress , she said , ‘ Oh , it 's all right .
8 She thought for a moment , looking at her outspread hands .
9 Was he being paranoid to imagine that she was looking at her fellow switchboard operators , rolling her eyes , one hand over the receiver , saying , ‘ It 's him !
10 The fact that she was doing this and not looking at her old friend made her doubts about this statement less evident , but all the same my mother protested .
11 For a while Alina sat looking at her younger , unmarked self .
12 ‘ You 're sure it is n't catching ? ’ he 'd teased , once more looking at her red face .
13 Miranda had remained quietly on the stool looking at her fat knees , as if she were happy doing so , until one of the shopgirls in costume jewellery leaned over the counter and said , through scarlet lips , ‘ Where 's your mummy gone to then ? ’
14 Her grandmother sat for hours looking at her shrinking face through the glass .
15 Looking at her emaciated body , it was a miracle that she had given birth to him in the first place .
16 One day when she was looking at her pretty face in the mirror , she thought of another date , even more important — her own death .
17 ‘ Men are very fragile , ’ Felix 's wife said , looking at her giant husband , who was standing under a street lamp stirring his arms like propellers .
18 ‘ Well done , ’ her godmother said to her , looking at her pale face intently .
19 The restlessness showed in her face , she realised despondently , looking at her own pale-faced reflection the following morning , and remembering that her entire collection of cosmetics was still stowed in the stranded car .
20 Thus the most influential sociologists researching on later life in the last thirty years have been first and foremost concerned with documenting poverty and need among the old , rather than looking at their present lives as a whole , or how they reached where they are now .
21 And I , like Mr ask that this issue should in fact be addressed , we should be looking at their total responsibilities , and I I support the action of the budget review in saying that er , we should be looking at this with a view to it being a corporate responsibility .
22 A woman with more than five hundred cacti has worked out a solution to the prickly problem of how to keep the plants looking at their best .
23 The ‘ broth ’ paid her no attention , but sat looking at their chosen victim , with crooked smiles on all their faces .
24 ‘ There is a big focus on the environment and heritage just now and schools are spending much more time looking at their local area .
25 By six o'clock the water had n't arrived and Haverford , looking at their despondent faces , said , ‘ It 's like a death in the family . ’
26 Others seemed to derive pleasure from looking at their own bodies and caressing themselves , and from auto-erotic actions , and these people had led Freud to develop his concept of narcissism .
27 If , as some Israeli ‘ moderates ’ argue , terrorism always was a marginal question , it is certainly infinitely less serious for Israel 's future than the mass popular unrest of the Intifada , but by continuing to lump everything they can — such as children throwing stones — under its general rubric , the ‘ extremists ’ seek to ‘ de-legitimise ’ the Intifada , and evade any necessity for looking at its real causes .
28 LGC is looking at its existing services such as analysis of food , of food packaging , asbestos etc , and seeking ways of developing and promoting these services in wider markets .
29 Heavy snow in January and February kept other possible buyers away , and by the time the crocuses and daffodils were decking the rest of the Thrush Green gardens , Tullivers was looking at its worst .
30 ‘ It is big , and showy , and , perhaps , too large for the piazza , ’ he said as they stood looking at its massive sculpted rocks and fanciful mythological figures .
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