Example sentences of "looking at some of " in BNC.

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1 THERE is much to do in the garden at present and I have been looking at some of the useful tools and equipment on the market .
2 We do , however , need to spend time looking at some of the shortcomings of the ‘ props ’ .
3 This second statement would seem obvious , but many trip over the obvious , so we will be looking at some of the differences .
4 Indeed , looking at some of the groups , one might almost think oneself viewing the painted vaults of an ancient Egyptian temple .
5 This is very impressive , until we start looking at some of the factors in the equation :
6 We conclude our accounts of each approach by looking at some of its distinctive variants to demonstrate the range of options in the neo-Marxist literature .
7 Unigram 's Tokyo bureau has been looking at some of the research work being developed by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co at its Tokyo Information and Communications Research Laboratory .
8 We begin by looking at some of the fundamental assumptions on which housing policy is based , present government housing policy , the various forms of housing tenure in Britain , and the particular problems for women that these forms of tenure raise .
9 Before looking at some of the major issues raised in the study of social stratification , it is necessary to examine certain aspects of stratification systems .
10 Next month I 'll be looking at some of the techniques used in drawing software and reviewing a selection of packages .
11 I 've been looking at some of the lines not as lines , but as things he has touched .
12 Erm so I 'll start by looking at some of the er factors .
13 How , how did you learn to , I mean , looking at some of your locks , they 're sort of very , very fine
14 Published in association with English Heritage , Robert Adam : Architect of Genius by Julius Bryant offers an introduction to Adam 's architecture by exploring the thoughts and personal ambitions behind his designs , and looking at some of the sources of his inspiration .
15 He started looking at some of the nearby pillars and columns , his boots scraping on the glass slabs of the floor as he moved .
16 ‘ I 've been looking at some of those paraffin convector heaters .
17 It is a pity that we can not spend more time just looking at some of the issues — for example , clause 28 , which is quite important — which affect adult education .
18 SUNDAY LIFE has been looking at some of the Irish people and places which get a mention in the 1993 edition of the Guinness Book of Records .
19 Finally , one has to wonder when looking at some of the Tour professionals ' clubs .
20 And are there people in class four at Stronsay school who 's been looking at some of the legends .
21 Now with summer well and truly upon us , it 's time for the first in a new series looking at some of the region 's loveliest gardens .
22 I 've been looking at some of the old programmes that some of the fans brought from those shows , and it was interesting to look back and see the people that I travelled with . ’
23 They 're also looking at some of the data integrity erm issues one of which is potentially quite a major problem and the new system will for any qualifying plans , once the new system is in , if a policy 's in arrears it will try and collect the arrears and it will collect up to a maximum of two premiums each month until the policy 's in force and up to date .
24 Over these next few weeks I 'd like us to be looking at some of the interviews that Jesus had with various characters , sometimes with an individual , sometimes with a small group of people , and just to see some of the things that we can learn from them .
25 I was just looking at some of the prices they want for the property .
26 This is the second in our new series of twelve programmes on opportunities in education , in which we 're looking at some of the ideas in action in schools today .
27 Before looking at some of the erm details of those practical programmes I would like to tell you something about the principles upon which his mind worked in approaching practical affairs .
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