Example sentences of "looking [adv] to a " in BNC.

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1 The nature of time in the British Civil Service as changed , cut up into small blocks covered by forward-looking three year corporate plans , rather than looking backwards to a living corporate tradition .
2 Cromore , the village where I was born , lies in the southern shore of Loch Erisort , looking across to a similar settlement on the northern side .
3 Thirdly , Franco and advisers such as his brother-in-law , Ramón Serrano Suñer , looking ahead to a post-war Spain and impressed by Italian and German precedents , were becoming increasingly attracted to the idea of a single-party and perhaps even totalitarian state .
4 They were for teenagers , looking ahead to a life where anything wonderful could happen .
5 Most of these seemingly alert young men , acting as sentries for their sleeping comrades , are soaked to the skin and looking forward to a little sleep themselves before the final push against the enemy .
6 Corporal Tait busies around the pack checking for oil leaks and tightening the odd bolt ; ten minutes later the crew are smiling as they clear up , looking forward to a well-deserved shower .
7 Mr Wetzel says : ‘ I 'm looking forward to a reformed HCRC in 1990 . ’
8 I was looking forward to a couple of hours of vigorous strolling in the company of what I assumed would be a garrulous , suitably eccentric English guide .
9 ‘ She will be delighted , ’ Alida Thorne said , ‘ she 's so looking forward to a visitor .
10 Now , NOEL MALCOLM is looking forward to a shift in the agenda — back to real news
11 The new team will find financial markets in a high state of excitement and looking forward to a cut in interest rates .
12 One moment he had been looking forward to a happy and wealthy retirement and now , minutes later , he was a condemned criminal with only a few hours left to live .
13 When our 'plane touched down at Ibiza Airport , we were looking forward to a couple of weeks in the sun , hoping that the children would be amused and we could just relax .
14 If she had accepted him , she could have been looking forward to a child of her own now .
15 However the day turns out , she will already have enjoyed the prospect and had the excitement of looking forward to a pleasurable outing .
16 So , with this in mind , he borrowed his Father 's van and drove towards Gloucester looking forward to a relaxing afternoon in the steam .
17 Despite lack of sponsorship ( offers to the address below ) the Barnstormers are looking forward to a busy 1992 season .
18 And here is Edward , who has so been looking forward to a new playmate ! ’
19 He tells me : ‘ Quite frankly after 10 years on shift work I 'm looking forward to a bit of a break .
20 Now Martin , 28 , and wife Vicky are looking forward to a happy Christmas with their children .
21 THESE four happy boys were eagerly looking forward to a fun-filled family Christmas .
22 One of Jonathan 's neighbours in Hornsey , north London , said last night : ‘ He was looking forward to a big Christmas .
23 EIGHTY factory workers were looking forward to a very merry Christmas — until their boss gave them just one bottle of whisky between them .
24 Impressed ‘ I was looking forward to a night out with the England Students squad on their training weekend at Bisham Abbey , but I wo n't say no to a bit of warm weather instead . ’
25 He was looking forward to a reunion with Theo in Etten on Easter Sunday .
26 I 'm missing you all very much and looking forward to a time of sharing and renewal with you in April .
27 In less than two hours he could be free , safe and looking forward to a future .
28 I 'm being uncharitable possibly , but I wonder if Deanes was n't looking forward to a little publicity over Pardy 's case to promote his book ?
29 Young people were looking forward to a modern China in which they would play an active role .
30 When this take-out was over , he was looking forward to a session in the hot-tub with Kandi , maybe a few snorts of cocoa , and some radical waves to ride out in the bay .
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