Example sentences of "looking [prep] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll be looking for between 5 and 15 mph ( 8 to 24 km/h ) coming from a warm part of the globe .
2 In this particular respect Morse ( suggesting the likelihood of the Botley Road area ) had got things quite wrong , for it was at the Hertz ‘ Rent-a-Car ’ offices at the top of the Woodstock Road where Dixon had finally spotted the name he was looking for with all the excitement of a young angler just hooking a heavyweight pike .
3 Volume numbers of Unix-based PC 's are n't there yet and Motif ca n't give us the cash returns we 're looking for with this product ’ .
4 Whatever your ideas on style and whatever your budget , you will find what you 're looking for at Allied .
5 It was just one of those situations where you find just the sound you 're looking for at that particular time .
6 The transparent ‘ honesty ’ with which he will say good and bad about the people he 's worked with and around has always to be taken as having a ‘ point of view ’ ; that ‘ point of view ’ is governed by what Niki is looking for at any particular moment .
7 So you want it arranged in some form that makes it easy to retrieve ( find ) the specific item you are looking for at any given moment .
8 What , what I would always hope though , is that they might go for some help , because even if they decide to separate , and er get support while they 're doing so , they may be able to understand what was going on in the relationship , what they were looking for in each other .
9 They are is the qualities which Robert Reid , Chief Executive of Shell UK was looking for in new recruits , as he told the North of England Education Conference in the Isle of Man in 1989 .
10 Have you found this chair that he was looking for in that ?
11 It would not be too difficult for his legal representative to brand her as rash and irresponsible — scarcely attributes the judge would be looking for in little Kirsty 's potential guardian !
12 so what you 're looking for in any formula shush daddy 's talking Matthew !
13 What you should be looking for in any savings or investment plan — whether the object is to provide school fees or cash for some other purpose — is investment performance and low charges .
14 The social anthropologist can find what he is looking for in either .
15 What we are essentially looking for in secondary education , then , whether practical or theoretical , is a curriculum and a method of pursuing it that will equip the student with transferable skills and transferable expertise .
16 Erm wh what they 're looking for in this answer is erm Because it 's the angle in the semicircle angle B is ninety degrees .
17 An apparently ( to ordinary human consciousness ) miraculous theory is exactly the kind of theory we should be looking for in this particular matter of the origin of life .
18 In my mind while you 're talking is about these three children who presumably er this gentleman 's wife was supposed to be looking after on thirty pounds a week .
19 Thank you for looking after on those really black days when even he seemed too much to cope with .
20 We 're er I was asked a question earlier on today erm how many assignments will I be looking after in any one time and I just said one .
21 One of the main purposes of o of a consortium is actually looking at the health needs erm it 's impressions that I 've I actually got o on a number of occasions that I 've er I think involvement in assessing health needs but I 've actually answered anywhere er , and I 'd very interested as to how or what kind of input erm we will be looking to on that ?
22 Okay , so what we 're looking at over these two days and what in order for you to be able to say yes we 've achieved the objectives er by tomorrow is how to use that time that we have to prepare to the most er efficient and effective so that e the preparation you know when you 've prepared it that yes when I stand up to speak I 'm gon na be able to put these points over effectively and make the presentation memorable .
23 But finally deciding it was time to move off , and doing his best to ignore the rooks , which began to mob him again the moment he took flight , he flew three hundred yards to another oak which he had been looking at with some care .
24 While this is a complex area to tackle and it is by no means fully charted , it is worth looking at with some learners — for instance those who need to conduct business and to attend meetings in English .
25 And in understanding the old picture so vividly , he has prepared us to appreciate , and to understand , many things which we either could not previously have hoped to understand , or which we had been looking at with half-open eyes .
26 These last bear looking at for one thing only , and that is the rich , exquisite Basque family names carved on them : Iharour-Lascagne , Uharretuko Elissalde-Olaizola .
27 we approximately the subject we had been looking at for some time so I approximately , nineteen eighty eight , nineteen eighty nine
28 Well if we 're looking in the wrong Emmy , if we 're looking at at general er spread-shot advertising , i we 're in a market which is much tougher than we we sometimes appreciate .
29 But they are worth looking at in that they give an understanding of royal taste in the 16 and 17C , and indeed their founder , Rudolf II , is considered to be one of the greatest European patrons of the arts ( see p. 9 ) .
30 The writers and compilers of the stories we have been looking at in this chapter knew that .
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