Example sentences of "looking [adv prt] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 And so the poor man had been obliged to die in as Christian a manner as possible in the arms of the atheistical Magistrate who had , of course , listened without the least sympathy to Mr Bradley 's last pious ejaculations , impatiently muttering : " Yes , yes , to be sure , do n't worry about it , " as poor Mr Bradley , looking up into that last , glaring , free-thinking , diabolical , ginger sunset of the Magistrate 's whiskers , commended his soul to God .
2 They way he just took my hair in one hand , while we were standing looking up at that God-awful window in the great hall , and turned my head to him , and pulled me close ; tongue down my throat before I knew what was happening , and there was something adolescent and desperate beneath all that working-class directness , but Jesus , I felt wanted …
3 Looking back to that nightmarish night in the wake of her conversion , Mary can suggest only one explanation .
4 Looking back at that period , the crucial difference in Conservative politicians was between those who thought that the last twenty or thirty years had not been too bad , and who were sceptical that anything better could be achieved , and those who hoped that something better could be won and saw the last quarter of a century as a slow but steady decline .
5 But she thought , looking back at that pewter sky and narrow saffron afterglow as the Aston Martin purred into life and shot away at speed : Yes , individuals do !
6 Looking back on that period , Mr Li lamented , ‘ Some sectors of the economy were so decentralised that the state 's ability to exercise macro-control was weakened . ’
7 About twelve years later , when I was looking back on that meeting with Dana , I wrote the following poem :
8 Looking back on that episode , I often wonder .
9 Looking back on that visit , as I sometimes do , I find it difficult to reconcile the warm , charming and amusing hostess who spared the time to entertain us that day with the latter-day basso profundo screecher of the House of Commons and the earnest , ingratiating gusher of numerous television interviews ( performances which make me dream wistfully of the old saw , ‘ In the ideal society politics should be as unobtrusive as drains ’ ) .
10 And er , but I felt and I feel looking back on that particular er decade between nineteen sixty and nineteen seventy , that the work which the shop steward 's movement did er even in a preliminary way , prior to the Donovan Report coming out , was based on reason and fair play .
11 Looking back on that then , you must have lost a great number of colleagues and workmates that it must give you sort of mixed feelings looking back on it ?
12 Looking back on that moment now , she felt it tremble before her , round and perfect as an overfull drip , and she caught her breath at the thought of its transitoriness , its shimmering beauty , and suddenly whispered to herself , ‘ I am happy , ’ as if she feared it might not last forever .
13 Looking back on that moment , it had often occurred to Shiona that it had marked the path that their future relationship was to take .
14 And again that 's looking at the same time in nineteen seventy se seventy seven , seventy eight time , it 's looking back into that er er driveway , and if you can remember the sort of the Victorian or Edwardian er photograph that er I showed you before , of er virtually that er that view .
15 Looking back upon that exit , I am reminded of a particularly nasty afternoon forty-two years ago , when as a young subaltern cowering in a ditch , the sole survivor of a shattered Churchill tank crawled from his steel tomb and offered me a cigarette .
16 Leaving the harbour high on the Pultney side of the river I passed an old folks ' home looking out over that cold North Sea ; only the dawn in winter can show any warmth .
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