Example sentences of "actually go to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He repeated the authority 's hopes for an early settlement , adding : ‘ Whether or not this actually goes to court depends on the reaction from the defendants . ’
2 For example , one of the attractions in my area , Balmoral Castle , as a couple of exhibitions which are open to the public for part of the year , now the entrance fees for that actually goes to charity so it benefits other people apart from the tourists themselves .
3 In this baseline you have a measure of the PB in terms of what time the child actually goes to bed .
4 When I got down to the park , the combination of the cold and my long sleep that afternoon made me feel too restless to contemplate actually going to sleep again , so I just sat there on one of the benches , thinking .
5 I mean is it going to be a case that market values are actually going to work to our advantage ?
6 Heathrow is actually going to sort of lose ground in competition with other international airports and particularly within Europe .
7 Teleworkers — people who never actually go to work , but work from home using computers linked to their employer 's headquarters — are a comparatively new phenomenon but the idea has great potential for the scattered rural population of Scotland .
8 Labour Party say they want to tackle crime in and we have , and I hope we will debate later on this agenda , the situation where a Labour Chairman of the Police Complaints Committee turns up a public meeting urging er law- breaking and support for people who are not actually gone to trial an a the circumstances of the events really does not concern us but it 's the fact that leaflets are now circularising this city , printed by our old friends , the resource centre , urging people to join the Defence Committee , which is supported by the University Labour Party , is supported by the West Labour Party and is supported by the Police Complaints Committee no less .
9 Now , parents in the room who 've got young children , when was the last time you actually went to school sports day ?
10 Born in London , an ex-punk who started acting while at art school during a course in sculpture , Roth never actually went to drama college ( aside from one afternoon when he got pissed and snuck into RADA to see what he 's missed ) .
11 did you actually go to sleep mummy ?
12 who do n't actually go to school .
13 If not , apparently , they 've worked out how everyone will actually go to school .
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