Example sentences of "to go [adv prt] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Kohl has decided to go on with a fast-breeder reactor in Kalkar on the Rhine , although development costs have quadrupled to 6–5 billion DM .
2 My dear Theo , I wrote to you already early this morning , then I went away to go on with a picture of a garden in the sunshine .
3 As he waxed into an eloquent period , he would realize the absurdity of his situation or the humbug of his pleading and be overcome with internal laughter , a laughter so vast that on occasion it left him too weak to go on with the speech .
4 Post-war interviews carried out by the United States Strategic Bombing Survey , confirmed such impressions : one out of three Germans indicated that his morale was affected by bombing more than any other single factor ; nine in ten of those interviewed mentioned bombing as the greatest hardship they had to suffer in the war ; three in five admitted to war-weariness on account of the bombing , and the percentage not wanting to go on with the war was significantly higher in heavily bombed than unbombed towns ; more than two-fifths said they lost hope in German victory when the raids did not stop ; and the percentage of people with confidence in the leadership was fourteen per cent lower in heavily bombed than in unbombed towns .
5 With bottle feeding you have some choices after six months ; to go on with the original formula , use a follow-on formula or start boiled cow 's milk .
6 In any case , if any of the pupils are to go on with the language at A level , they will simply have to learn some grammar at some stage .
7 It is possible to go on with the same therapist to deal with the problems which caused you to need the regression experience in the first place .
8 He is encouraged to go on with the process of living ( line 60 ) and perhaps hints at compensation for suffering in an after-life .
9 I was , simply , not prepared to go on with the discomfort of feeling — or knowing other people might feel — that I was in any way neglecting my family .
10 LUCKY to be alive skydiver Terry Wakenshaw vowed yesterday to go on with the sport which killed his girlfriend and almost claimed his life .
11 To go on with the utter silence or to break the silence , pretending nothing had happened .
12 How long are you going to go on with the farce of keeping this bloody lot in business ? "
13 ‘ Do you want to go on with the lesson , or stand about talking all day long ? ’
14 There is slightly more to go on with the latter however , and one seems justified in presuming the work of at least two men .
15 My er my sister worked in the grenade shop and erm after she ca she 'd been working at , on the manor , do you know the manor at Willenhall and then er she decided to go on with the war work and she was courting the man named , John and his father was the timekeeper , later H & T Hornes , but erm it fizzled out and anyway the romance did but erm
16 After the management fired the union leadership , initially 86 per cent of workers voted to go on with the strike , but eventually they were cajoled into a ‘ second union ’ started by white collar staff who wanted to cooperate with the company ( and many of whom were to receive rapid promotions from the grateful management — see also chapter 16 ) .
17 ‘ But we did n't want to go in with a heavy commitment at first ; we took a PC and wrote our own very simple software to deal with incoming orders . ’
18 I 've got a chance to go in with a women 's group up Manchester way .
19 Crewe finished the first half the stronger and were possibly unlucky not to go in with a lead , the Leeds defense was looking fragile ( Fairclough was back at central def. — agghhhh ) , the midfield ( esp .
20 He wanted to go in with the sun behind him .
21 It was better to stand out at the beginning than to go in with the expectation that he would soon have to provoke a further crisis by resignation .
22 Did you yourself take part in the operation to go in with the guns ?
23 Androgyny was expect to go along with a broad , flexible and effective repertoire of behaviours , and well-adjusted emotions .
24 It will be necessary to see how far it is possible to go along with a strict criterion-referenced system or what kind of compromises may be worked out if such a system has advantages of motivating pupils and aiding changes in curriculum .
25 My proposal asks a great deal of many of you : time , energy , commitment , a willingness to go along with a plan which there is not time to discuss at length , and with ideas which I do n't imagine will win universal approval .
26 And I used to go along with a well a finger you see and , That 's not been dusted you see .
27 I have argued elsewhere that Pound was prepared to take instruction , as well as to give it ; that when he first came to London in 1908 , he was looking for masters to whom he might apprentice himself ; that he found them in the Irishman W.B. Yeats and the maverick Englishman Ford Madox Ford ( whose professionalism about writing still denies him in England the recognition that he gets abroad ) ; and ( so I have speculated , though I know it can not be proved ) that Pound sought the same relationship with another Englishman , Laurence Binyon , who was too cagey to go along with the idea .
28 While Judith , Rachel and Karen are sure their partners are happy to go along with the little alterations they try to make , Zelda says that interfering too much can prove to be very dangerous to a relationship .
29 Mr Hussein seems ready , at this stage , to go along with the principle of democracy .
30 It is a mistake , I submit , to go along with the Dominican Matthew Fox in denying the concepts of the Fall and sin .
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