Example sentences of "to go [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 er to go right the way through to Venice and you 've got to stay at Venice for at least a couple of days so oh and it , er , I think er , you 're talking about two thousand at least just for that four days , you know ?
2 His best friend did not go to the funeral because he had already decided to go on a day trip to France !
3 Keen mountaineer Thomas Hargreaves , 39 , left to go on a day 's hiking in an area frequented by grizzly bears last Thursday , but friends only reported him missing at the weekend .
4 ARSENAL manager George Graham has been given the green light to go on a Christmas spending spree .
5 Yeah because he 's got to go on a month 's course for a start , for just general and then we 've got to try and find him a a week 's course somewhere as A L O , I do n't know where but er in that time .
6 Four other girls , that 's right and of course there were housemaids there to do the work and er yes housemaids and er and er you know and in the , in the kitchen , you see , there was the chef and er a cook , the kitchen maid and er a young man , a boy , well just left school to scrub the tables down and do the floors and that sort of thing and er and whi and er while I , of course I had to go down every day to type , to see what the chef said , what was on the menu and type it , type out the menus , you see , that was one of my jobs and er and if let me think , yes there was quite a number of staff , that 's just in the kitchen
7 And erm my father and another lad who was working out in the had to go Called Michael , had to go down every evening to pump water for the the animal .
8 But then , it 's a big difference between skiing abroad and you know , like staying somewhere like Cyprus skiing in Scotland , it 's true , but I mean , it 's like the first , I mean , my dad 's typical , sort of , get to the top of the hill and give you a good shove , you know , give you one time to go down a bit slowly and then after that you just get to the top ski downhill phhhh .
9 If someone could wave a magic wand , and I could change something , I think I 'd like to go down a couple of cup sizes .
10 Some , through failing health or eyesight , were obliged to go down a couple of rungs on the ladder however , and there are an increasing number of cases in the 1940s of former compositors working as copy-holders for lower pay .
11 If I get home at 12.30 I probably wo n't want to go down a club , but I 'll pull a beer out of the fridge , sit down and have a laugh at everybody else making pillocks of themselves , including the prat who calls him self the Hitman .
12 I recently watched Dorothy Heathcote , halfway through a lesson on preparing for robbing a bank , release some junior school pupils into a free-play experience where they were to go down a manhole and then search the sewers under the bank .
13 Mike Wood normally flies Hawk jets but he 's happy to go down a step to share the piloting with Squadron Leader , Tim Farmer who 's happy to step up from his normal ground based job as a health and environment officer .
14 Severe wind turbulence caused my canopy to go down a lot faster than normal .
15 I used to go down the villages .
16 He had to go down the mines and he stuck it out .
17 Er you ca n't imagine this I do n't suppose , but nevertheless it 's true and in a time , the men in the shop they was mass-production , you know what I mean and they wanted this or that or the other , well I had the authority to go down the machine shop and tell them , look here , so and so wants this you do that .
18 We ought to go down the tip later on again .
19 I do n't want to go down the village , I want to go down the shops .
20 ‘ Then open the vents and hatches , ’ he suggested , automatically ducking to go down the companionway .
21 So for the the water to go down the current to flow through .
22 If they 're becoming as disabled as you think they are , they wo n't be allowed just to go down the way to the shops will they if the nearest shops are twenty miles down the road !
23 If you 're willing to go down the route to drag hunting I am willing to support any hunt that wants to go down that route and I am sure this authority would .
24 The European community on the other hand also saw a growth of output of over twenty percent , twenty three point seven percent but that gave rise not to eighteen million but to only six million additional jobs and I just say to the honourable gentleman the lesson for Europe is to go further down the route that I have suggested of further deregulation and less bureaucracy and a stable economic framework , than to go down the route that he is advocating in his short address and question to me .
25 If I also say to him that the lesson we learn from the United States is not to go down the route that he and his party have signed up to in signing up to a socialist manifesto for the European elections .
26 The mortar men were not trained as Heavy Weapons Troops would be later in the war , but this did not prevent Sergeant Ramsey from getting off a bomb that appeared to go down the hotel chimney , reportedly causing a dozen or more casualties .
27 Now the , round the backyard , used to go down the yard , and on the left hand side of the yard there was a , a , a , a toilet and a coal house .
28 Yeah right it ca n't get out it has to go down the pipe .
29 Well that 's right , yes , and the other thing as well , I should n't really be telling you this , , because it 's bad news for us but , if you in fact write a long , rambling press release , what you will find is that the journalist will almost , almost certainly go three-quarters of the way down it to find the real story which is hidden in there , and occasionally that real story is purposely hidden down in there , and you know you look at any council minutes , and the real story is always , inevitably hidden down there , because it 's the bit that somebody does n't want people to know about , and so journalists are naturally trained to go down the bit to find out what 's it about .
30 When it was so cold in the winding shed at the mines that the men begged to go down the pit to get warm .
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