Example sentences of "police [vb base] at the " in BNC.

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1 Today Mr Clarke saw how the police operate at the sharp end .
2 Finbar O'Doherty presided and denounced the RUC ban on the original route : ‘ On future occasions the question of a police ban at the dictates of their Orange masters would be a matter for meeting in a different manner . '
3 Not for the first time this season Tyson needed a police escort at the end as he was surrounded by protesting players .
4 Julian Dicks , the West Ham captain , was sent off in the 61st minute for a late tackle on Wise and the referee , Alf Buksh , needed a police escort at the end of the tie , which West Ham won 1-0 .
5 A man has been arrested and is being treated under police guard at the John Radcliffe hospital .
6 Police shudder at the prospect of facing a population which has anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers at its disposal .
7 The question for the court was whether on July 9 , 1921 , the police authorities acting , reasonably and in good faith , considered a police garrison at the colliery necessary for the protection of life and property from violence , or , in other words , whether the decision of the chief constable in refusing special protection unless paid for was such a decision as a man in his position and with his duties could reasonably take .
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