Example sentences of "doing the right [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not even sure that I 'm doing the right course .
2 They are not going in at the moment but that does n't worry me because he is a smashing lad doing the right things again .
3 They are doing the right things to find a book , but the book is n't where it should be .
4 The babies were developing properly and being well stimulated and doing the right things at the right age and they were really coping well .
5 doing the right things though , so
6 ‘ What I do is follow the money and make sure the people who are spending it on my behalf are actually the right sort of people , and are doing the right sort of job . ’
7 Though it is never possible to be sure one is doing the right thing , he wrote .
8 You have been doing the right thing by cutting out the dead wood you found in spring , but these plants do get very straggly , and to get the best out of it you will need to be a bit more ruthless .
9 In by-elections , county elections and in the European Parliament elections , the public , he said , was telling Labour : ‘ You are doing the right thing .
10 We made the mistake of not having enough of our own practical management to check that they were doing the right thing .
11 Laing has never felt that being a compassionate employer has been at odds with doing the right thing commercially .
12 ‘ When I arrived at the river I was n't at all sure I was doing the right thing because the water temperature was 4.1 degrees Centigrade and the air temperature was 1.8 degrees , ’ said Les .
13 ‘ You must be the one to tell me I am doing the right thing . ’
14 Happiness is an emotional response that has become built into us and the horse for doing the right thing biologically .
15 And with the other emotions , too , happiness follows doing the right thing biologically .
16 Dr. Briant is doing the right thing — doing his own job to the best of his ability and leaving the rest of it to the people he 's doing it for — you . ’
17 It always seems funny when a Rottweiler guards for the first time , barking loudly , usually backing off , not quite sure if he is doing the right thing .
18 When they left , however , and I made the decision to stay , I knew it might be hard for me but I knew also that I was doing the right thing .
19 If God would provide accommodation for my family while I was away , preferably with friends , and convince my parents that I was doing the right thing , then I would know that the trip was on .
20 The individual who is determined to remain calm in the face of aggression , even though he may feel he is doing the right thing , might wonder whether others look down on him and be tempted to behave as others think he should .
21 He hesitated , wondering if he was doing the right thing by telling her .
22 This means doing the right thing to meet their needs .
23 You may feel rather unsure of what you want in life mid-June , Capricorn , but by the end of the month , you will know that you 're doing the right thing !
24 I 'm doing the right thing , thought Lee .
25 ‘ If you stopped shopping the IRA would think they were doing the right thing , ’ said Susan Wooldridge , 47 , of Hungerford , Berks .
26 That , says Prue , helped convince her partners she was doing the right thing .
27 Stone said nothing for a moment , staring at the CI5 man , perhaps still not sure of whether or not he was doing the right thing .
28 ‘ Hope we 're doing the right thing , ’ he whispered .
29 Earlier , at the start of the FACE photo shoot , the actor had confided , ‘ I 'm not sure I am doing the right thing . ’
30 The length of time spent ‘ working ’ ( ie doing the right thing ) is certainly recordable .
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