Example sentences of "eyes [verb] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Marianne surveyed her reflection in the mirror , her eyes gleaming in satisfaction as they swept over her own generous curves , clearly outlined by the skin-tight material .
2 His eyes bulged in fury at the destruction that had been wreaked on his lab .
3 His face is unearthly — eyes glazed in concentration , cheekbones and jaw protruding floodlit from heavy black shadows .
4 His enthusiasm faded , his voice hesitated , his lips trembled , his eyes dropped in confusion .
5 ‘ Ah , I see the light is beginning to dawn , ’ he murmured , raising a dark , cynical eyebrow , his lips twisting with amusement as he saw her eyes widening in dismay .
6 ‘ My goodness ! ’ he cried , his eyes widening in amazement .
7 She frowned , and checked again , her eyes widening in amazement .
8 ‘ And where are we going ? ’ she added , her eyes widening in apprehension as the limousine began moving swiftly through the narrow streets of the City .
9 And then Meredith made an unnerving connection , her eyes widening in alarm .
10 When she remained stubbornly in place he grabbed her abruptly by the elbow , and she started back in fright , her eyes widening in alarm .
11 Perdita gazed at him , her white left cheek slowly turning bright scarlet , her eyes widening in horror .
12 Isabel gasped , her eyes widening in shock as warm lips enclosed her finger .
13 Lucenzo 's dark eyes flickered in warning but Meredith was determined not to be intimidated .
14 Virginia 's green eyes clouded in dismay .
15 Lady Merchiston 's eyes seemed in danger of popping out of her gaunt head .
16 As her eyes closed in sleep she knew that had n't been the case at all .
17 Robbie , her eyes closed in protest against the agony she 'd felt , gave a little murmur of relief .
18 The other girl 's blue eyes shone in amusement .
19 Her large eyes opened in surprise .
20 Her eyes opened in bewilderment .
21 His eyes opened in alarm , but before he could say anything his concentration lapsed and he dropped like a stone , vanishing behind the far end of the table .
22 Her eyes opened in wonder : ‘ But he loves me ! ’
23 Ella 's eyes opened in recognition .
24 ‘ I 'm really excited about seeing the house , ’ Elaine said in her fast , bubbly voice , periwinkle-blue eyes sparkling in anticipation .
25 Theda stared up at Mr Beckenham 's handsome features under the shadowing beaver hat , her mouth open on gasping breaths , her eyes dilating in fear .
26 Then they slipped under the blanket , wrapped into each other , their eyes locked in wonder and anticipation .
27 She held her breath , wondering if he would defy her , and for a long moment their eyes locked in battle .
28 Eyes narrowed in concern , he took in the scene instantly .
29 Suddenly , his eyes narrowed in delight .
30 Glancing up , startled , she met Rune 's clear eyes narrowed in speculation , wondering just how much he was able to discern beneath the camouflage she 'd thought she 'd assumed .
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