Example sentences of "to see [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We would obviously like to see ourselves as the organ of a revolutionary party , however embryonic it may be . ’
2 Most of us want to see ourselves on the screen — although it may turn out to be an unpleasant experience ! — but we 're not usually terribly interested in watching the performance of others .
3 Furthermore , modern medical training may well encourage him to see himself as a scientist applying particular skills to solve a problem , rather than as dealing with people .
4 To be recognized for some achievement in life lifted Dad immensely ; before Eva he had begun to see himself as a failure and his life as a dismal thing .
5 In the later 1650s , for example , Oliver Cromwell came to see himself as a second Moses who , having led his people out of the Egyptian slavery of Laudianism and through the Red Sea of civil war , was now struggling to bring them towards the Promised Land .
6 He had the air of an aristocrat and as he turned to gaze at Blackberry from his great , brown eyes , Hazel began to see himself as a ragged wanderer , leader of a gang of vagabonds .
7 I think the reason he dresses as an Edwardian is because he wants to see himself as a dashing young stage door Johnny . ’
8 He claimed too that the Reeve is presented as indicting the Miller for a judgement he does not make , i.e. that he had criticized the Reeve for being over-ready to see himself as a priest , the agent of God 's punishment , through John 's naive readiness to see himself as a second Noah .
9 He claimed too that the Reeve is presented as indicting the Miller for a judgement he does not make , i.e. that he had criticized the Reeve for being over-ready to see himself as a priest , the agent of God 's punishment , through John 's naive readiness to see himself as a second Noah .
10 As the movement and the significance of British fascism owed so much to Sir Oswald Mosley , and as he increasingly came to see himself as the political spokesman for the lost generation and the survivors of the First World War , it is the impact of that event I want to examine first .
11 Mosley came increasingly to see himself as the spokesman of the war generation , who refused to compromise his idealistic principles with the political realities of the post-war world .
12 It 's just that this other woman to whom he comes fresh enables him to see himself in a different , more exciting and rejuvenating light .
13 Yet Æthelred was not always militarily inactive , reluctant to see himself in a military light , or unwilling to make military preparations .
14 Defoe , who travelled more of the roads of the country than most of his contemporaries , was inclined to see himself in the foothills of a better transport age — the equal of the fabled Roman achievement .
15 There was no reason at all why these councils should have been regarded as above criticism , but in the context of that period when local government was under renewed attack from Thatcherism , the publication of sectarian , ill-researched articles in the magazine that likes to see itself as a broad-based forum of progressive ideas , was nothing less than destructive .
16 THE British government tends to see itself as a bastion of common sense where European environmental policy is concerned , weighing benefits against costs which more dogmatic governments ignore .
17 Good communications are encouraged by doing so , and each product line can be encouraged to see itself as a profit centre , a company within the company , making for commitment to that element of the company objectives .
18 In the 1930s , Mr Justice Stone declared that the United States Supreme Court ought not to see itself as the sole guardian of the constitution .
19 Mrs Thatcher appeared to see herself as the embodiment of revenge upon a whole generation of social engineers .
20 Without communicating criticism , David was able to convey to Julia something which helped her to see herself through the eyes of others .
21 Sarah asked the nanny , standing on tip-toe to see herself in the gilt-framed mirror in the hall .
22 In gender terms this means that it is ‘ precisely when most compelled to see yourself as a woman or as a man , [ that ] you are confronted with the mystery of the other [ sex ] who faces you from across an impassable moral divide ’ ( p. 306 ) .
23 Not only is it necessary to perceive an entire picture of yourself , but it is also necessary to see yourself in the context of your natural surroundings .
24 I will grow old gracefully , as we are advised ; and as I made ready for the night I tried to see myself as the little girls must have seen me .
25 Leaning in over the sleeping child I must have wanted to see myself as the angel , hovering in protection of an infant who was so obviously in peril .
26 To achieve the latter I have to see myself as an object , to know how my regretting might appear .
27 Suppose that I have a sudden impulse to settle when I retire in the village where I was born ; but reality breaks in , I recognize that I had better remember it not as a nostalgic vision but as I indeed saw it before experiencing the city , admit to myself that it will have changed beyond recognition , try to anticipate living in it not as I am now but as an old man who no longer easily makes new friends , try to see myself through the villagers ' eyes as already a stranger who may no longer deserve a welcome .
28 It would have been a foolish , bull-necked man who would have looked a gift horse in the mouth … so I like to see myself in a small way as following in his footsteps . ’
29 In short , they should establish the kind of position in which they would wish to see themselves at the end of that period .
30 Once this conviction had been acquired , however , it became almost impossible to dislodge it , and they came to see themselves as an elite , chosen people permanently set apart from the majority of their unregenerate contemporaries .
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