Example sentences of "to see [pers pn] in [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When he appeared in the Home Circuit Court at Kingston before Theobalds J. on 26 September 1983 both counsel invited the judge to see them in chambers and he agreed to do so .
2 She wanted to see him in loons ; she let him buy her those boots .
3 But she 's still pretty young — I 'd like to see her in clothes that were a bit more her age .
4 One way of understanding the world is to see it in terms of the relationships within and between a set of interrelated systems , as described in the opening paragraph of this chapter .
5 Perhaps er er another way of looking at this would be to see it in terms of rightist deviations and leftist deviations and one might see erm the er the moderate policies er of thirty seven to forty nine i in a sense as being erm a rightist deviation , one might see forty six forty seven as being leftist deviations and the left is seeking to overcome rightist deviations , the right seeking to overcome leftist deviations and you 've got some kind of oscillation between the two .
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