Example sentences of "to see [pron] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 After moving to England , he fought for over two years without being defeated and reckoned : ‘ Ninety per cent of the public wanted to see me win the British title .
2 " To-morrow I 've promised to take Lizzie to see her niece the other side of Bridgeborough , " Sara said quickly , glad of the genuine excuse .
3 When they had gone I was surprised to see her lock the door again .
4 The trouble has been , however , that with the longer construction periods for nuclear stations and the further period before their cheaper running costs will allegedly show up , it can take a long time to see which way the scales really tip .
5 Add a touch of fun to your garden , as well as the ability to see which way the wind is blowing from the comfort of your armchair , with these attractive weathervanes .
6 He allows , however , that it 'll take six to nine months after the acquisition is complete to see which way the wind is blowing .
7 Pointless trying to swim against it , but sometimes it just was n't that easy to see which way the current went .
8 To see which way the wind blew , looking
9 Difficult to see which way the wind is blowing at the moment it 's quite swirling .
10 I could have arrested the manager of the field , but I thought it might be better to wait to see which way the cat jumped .
11 and a little boy nipped on to see his mum the boy never got off so he was still on the bus
12 I go to see his wife the next day .
13 Ramsay explained that his lordship 's goodbrother , the Earl of Moray , had desired to see his sister the Countess whilst in the vicinity , as was but natural ; and while there , they had learned that the defences of the castle were being strengthened , in view of possible attack by the English , and they had offered such small help as they could in this excellent work in the realm 's interest .
14 And I put in a request to see His Majesty the King .
15 They were free to look over the top of the box to see what size the bricks really were , and they were quite aware that their own view was distorted because one of the portholes contained a magnifying lens .
16 Naas trainer Arthur Moore and Yorkshire-based Jimmy FitzGerald entered their star novice chasers to see what chance the handicapper would give them against the established performers in next month 's £32,000-added showpiece .
17 It would then be possible to see what progress the Welsh Office and its various agencies are making towards the attainment of common goals .
18 We undertook a longer-term analysis , to see what part the media played in the Conservative recovery .
19 ONE of our bar staff recently came into the kitchen to ask if she could look in the soup kettle to see what colour the soup was .
20 Yet it is hard to see what violence the police foresaw as direct and immediate .
21 It was hard to see what calibre the cannon were for the air was already hot enough to shimmer and blur the details of the far guns .
22 It is the task of the sociologist to understand all this , to find out what has been done already in this field , to see what light the general background of religious and familial studies can shed on this particular social act , and to formulate original ideas in a more explicitly sociological fashion .
23 Any move in this direction should be resisted because it is vital as part of the monitoring process to see what impact the single market is having on our national economy .
24 The secretary-managership of Leeds City had become vacant on the retirement of Scott Walford at the end of the club 's most disastrous season since it entered the Second Division eight years before , and the public looked with keen interest to see what effect the new man 's ‘ shrewd judgement and tactful management ’ ( Yorkshire Post ) would have .
25 Go and look at paintings in art galleries just to see what effect the artist is trying to achieve .
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