Example sentences of "to see [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then over to see about the feed stores .
2 It 's Iris 's turn to call us really but , but I , I did think about Iris earlier and I should really phone just to see how your dad is , Bobby because it 's really up to her just to see about the weekend and much times that I 've phoned the hospital recently .
3 Or , ‘ The Doctor wants I to see about the moss in the tennis court .
4 However , whatever balance between sectors one would like to see as the basis for community care policy , the private sector is here to stay and likely to expand .
5 This rationality it came to see as the basis of a universal culture ; the justification for its claim to define universal values , to define its values as universal .
6 Edberg defeated Cash in a quality final which many , I suspect , would have preferred to see as the final itself .
7 ‘ Secondly , I believe you will begin to see during the night the cracks opening at last in the moulds that have held British politics in sterile opposition between two major parties for so long .
8 Above them , as far as it was possible to see for the blood , he wore a striped knitted pullover over a navy jumper .
9 It was enough to see off the challenge of unlucky Wimbledon in this replay at Selhurst Park .
10 Despite carding his worst round of the championship , a two over par 74 , he held his nerve to see off the challenge of defending champion Eamonn Darcy over the testing K Club course .
11 There was blood all over the windows , too , and Magee had to wipe it away with the sleeve of his coat in order to see through the windscreen .
12 I am particularly pleased to have been able to see through the work to stamp out default and to promote high standards in the profession . ’
13 I pulled my boat near to the ship , then stood up to see through the cabin window .
14 The mist was now so dense it was more like a sea fog , the humidity very high and the sweat dripping from my forehead as I leaned forward , my eyes straining to see through the murk .
15 I do n't need to see through the sheet to know that Anya 's flushed brick red , and that her eyes are fixed on somewhere quite far to the east of the Walthamstow marshes .
16 Mr Major praised his work yesterday and , in a reply to Mr Garel-Jones , said : ‘ It is characteristic of you to wish to see through the legislation you have been working on , and it is what your colleagues would have expected of you .
17 It is difficult to see through the vagueness now surrounding the Government 's plans , but it is clear that ministers were both unprepared and unco-ordinated in their response to what MPs across the political divide detected as the stench of injustice .
18 At this stage the author uses the light box to see through the paper , and by turning over the paper it is possible to drawn in with pencil on the reverse , a rough copper track layout which will link up the components in accordance with the circuit diagram .
19 It took application and imagination to see the point of Eastern Europe , to see through the glacier to the contours underneath .
20 Much of the energy at these wavelengths is absorbed by the atmosphere , which means that a remote sensing instrument such as the MSS or TM would , if it operated in one of these bands , be unable to see through the atmosphere and consequently would be unable to obtain any information about the surface of the Earth .
21 He tittered nervously as he tried to see through the glare of the flames .
22 There was enough light in the tunnel from the entrance and from the gun emplacement slits in the pill-box for her to be able to see through the dark .
23 Mr McFall described as false government claims that there is not enough parliamentary time to see through the amendment , which would bring Scotland into line with English law by forcing the knife carrier to prove there is no criminal intention .
24 Furthermore , the Charter implied that the two greatest trading nations of the world should take domestic action to expand their demand , for the international expansion of trade which the Americans wanted to see after the war would necessarily be the sum of many domestic expansions .
25 The most I 'd allowed myself to see of the inside of that room during his three months at Sleet was himself half naked ruled into a margin of light .
26 His tent of meeting , the focus of his presence and means of dialogue , is pitched outside the camp , a sign for all to see of the distance now established between him and his people .
27 In essence , then , there is far less to see of the history of industrial landscapes than there was even a few years ago .
28 And for e for emplo for employment officers you would have induction , you would have interviewing skills , and you would say you know , we would also we 'd be able to see of the training records , what interviewing courses
29 And most of them were blind , even the decent ones , for they never seemed to see below the skin .
30 Tried to see past the antipathy he always aroused in her .
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