Example sentences of "others of the same " in BNC.

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1 Thereafter the story , like others of the same romantic genre , rather foundered in lack of plot .
2 Sexual selection depends on the success of certain individuals over others of the same sex in relation to the propagation of the species ; whilst natural selection depends on the success of both sexes , at all ages , in relation to the general conditions of life .
3 Darwin 's argument emphasized that sexual selection depends on the ‘ success of certain individuals over others of the same sex in relation to the propagation of the species ’ .
4 In any one hectare of tropical forest you may find trees of one hundred different types and each individual may be widely separated from others of the same species .
5 There were a few others of the same period , Youngs Mill being advertised for sale in 1828 , with a 16hp engine , driving three pairs of four foot diameter stones .
6 But , in more modest ways , nature teems with animals and plants that manipulate others of the same or of different species .
7 By comparable mechanisms , an animal ( or human ) will find a task easier to learn if others of the same type have learned the same task before .
8 Actinic Degradation This is the breakdown of ( mostly synthetic ) flysheets through prolonged exposure to the sun , but no-one really knows why it affects some tents and not others of the same make and model .
9 Each species has a distinctive call recognised only by others of the same species , which helps to prevent males mating with the wrong females .
10 But two others of the same group are needed for pollination to take place .
11 But he insists that it follows from it and others of the same kind that knowledge is impossible .
12 Certainly the young middle-class , or rising middle-class person can be guaranteed to meet others of the same age who are respectable but not too serious .
13 In general the never-married elderly make greater use of statutory services including institutional care than others of the same age , so change in marriage and fertility patterns pointed out by Timaeus may have important implications for future service use .
14 Although there was a random procedure for replacing such houses with others of the same general type , interviewing was nevertheless a time-consuming , depressing and occasionally frightening experience .
15 For in the same way in which the number or title of a painting in an exhibition catalogue gives it an identity as a material object different from all others of the same type , so the letters and numbers on a Cubist painting serve to individualize it , to isolate it from all other paintings .
16 Distancing oneself from others of the same species is a classic way of maintaining power .
17 For example , those who like expenditure on libraries and the arts can reside with others of the same persuasion .
18 The careers of the bourgeois world were indeed open to talent , but the family with a modest amount of education , property and social connections among others of the middle rank undoubtedly started with a relatively enormous advantage ; not least the capacity to intermarry with others of the same social status , in the same line of business or with resources which could be combined with their own .
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