Example sentences of "to take they [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She was so excited to be returning that she was up before dawn and ready for the journey south long before the arrival of the taxi that was to take them to Berwick for the train to King 's Cross .
2 It was a mournful pair that hired a boat to take them to Saltash and acquaint the Lee family of the tragedy .
3 West German tourists and Czechoslovaks gathered on street corners to cheer and wave as seven chartered Czechoslovak buses began many hours of ferrying the East Germans to the distant suburban rail terminus where trains arrived through the night to take them to West Germany .
4 I liked everything about it , I liked everything about it , mind you I had sore fingers to begin with , very sore , with the filing you see , but also er I was used to thing in a way because there was a little lock shop in mother 's yard er and erm home-made er home-made locks and he used to er and now he used to do them and stamp them and I us I worked his hand press for him before I was fourteen and they were for and they are still and my mother used to take them to Birmingham and erm I think he used to give me sixpence for doing everything I did for him .
5 You had to take them to Norwich .
6 Miss Loren 's picture was one of thirteen canvases by Bacon which , with a collection of works by Picasso , Morandi , Henry Moore and other artists , were confiscated by the Italian government as the actress and her husband , Carlo Ponti , attempted to take them to Paris in 1977 .
7 The rest were employed at present between Stavros and Episkopi , loading and transporting the casks to the warehouses to await the arrival of the all-important galley which was to take them to Venice .
8 She 'd got into a lot of trouble over many little things , for instance , her clothes in the changing room were being thrown down in a pool of water , and was soaking wet , she had to take them to matron to be dried , matron was cross .
9 Several thousand people from Shkodër and nearby towns converged on the northern port of Shengjin where they attempted to seize vessels to take them to Italy .
10 I 'm going to take them to court and sue them
11 To collect efficiently from your debtor you should have full information on who they legally are — especially if you ever need to take them to court .
12 Did he not , sort of , think to take them to court ?
13 not having to take them all , I mean having to take them to court .
14 they got to take them to Court and ask the off the questions officially under oath , there 's no good getting 'em together like that
15 They had missed breakfast but the porter brought them coffee and hot rolls in one of the small lounges , then rang for a taxi to take them to Royalbion House .
16 But Labour prospective parliamentary candidate for Darlington Alan Milburn said it was vital the service be maintained , especially as many elderly people relied on the 11a to take them to shops in North Road and the town centre .
17 They hurried through the tranquil , fragrant-smelling garden , past-the Inner and Middle Temples , and down Temple Stairs where they hired a wherry to take them to Westminster .
18 IB4E paid the money and they waited for the train to take them to Ratvick .
19 Some of these royal gifts presented the warden with a formidable task : in December 1238 the sheriff of Essex and Richard de Munfichet , warden of the forest of Essex , were ordered to take alive in the forest 120 bucks and does for the Count of Flanders , put them in cages , and transport them in carts to the Thames , where Raymond Ruffus , a yeoman of the king , was to have a ship ready to take them to Flanders .
20 TELEVISION 'S merciless eye does footballers few favours and perhaps it is unfair to take them to task too readily for their occasional excesses .
21 On Sept. 25 several thousand miners hijacked trains and forced them to take them to Bucharest , where armed with clubs and other weapons , they demanded the resignation of Roman and of President Ion Iliescu .
22 He realised that if he was to be successful he would have to take them at speed .
23 The old records at the Royal Greenwich Observatory contained a consistent error , and Eddy had been wrong to take them at face value .
24 The pet shop where his grandad had bought him his hamster called Hammer and his goldfish called Sickle and where his nan used to take them for resurrection when they died .
25 Emily and Anne had dogs , and they used to take them for walks on the moors .
26 ‘ We 're going to take them on Monday , ’ he said .
27 And their own car , which they needed to take them on honeymoon to Scotland , was ruined in the flood .
28 The script kept sending out these little signals ( 'It 's only when there 's land around that sea travel becomes really interesting' ) but it was possible to take them as evidence not of exhaustion but of apprehension about the project .
29 I have two teenaged children and have to take them into Ipswich or Felixstowe to buy anything they require .
30 While it is self-evident that childhood experiences must have a profound formative effect upon the beliefs we have about ourselves and upon our expectations of others , most of us fail to take them into account when we run into trouble later on in life .
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