Example sentences of "making [pron] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 A new side-opening device releases the pressure in the pack , so they expand gently on opening to their usual size , making they easy to remove .
2 By making it hard to put up the tall blocks of flats of the sort that span the skylines of most capitals , the government condemns Tokyo to low-rise , cramped housing .
3 Cold air like rushing water battered at his face , beating in his cheeks and making it hard to breathe .
4 Her own shadow stretching ahead , making it hard to see it clearly .
5 ‘ You can get more information on the page , without making it hard to take in . ’
6 The wind whipped at him , making it hard to hover and harder still to drop his talons on the moving branches on which he was trying to land .
7 My heart was beating in my throat making it hard to swallow , my nose was running , my hands were cold and I could n't get enough oxygen , which made me yawn every few seconds .
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