Example sentences of "had [adj] time [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm afraid I have had little time to entertain you or introduce you to Hochhauser .
2 So great had his concentration been on finishing the maps that Green had had little time to do anything else in those difficult years excepting for a brief visit to Buttermere in 1791 , and in 1793 he went to Wales and the Lake District with his stalwart helper Thornton ; but in 1794 he revisited Cumberland for twelve weeks two of which were devoted to Buttermere .
3 The extra cost of a harder and more lasting cutting edge was a wise investment — warriors would have had little time to re-sharpen their blades in the heat of battle !
4 They had had little time to socialise and some had lost contacts with friends and neighbours as a direct result of being in full-time employment .
5 ‘ We 've had little time to rest since Saturday , and with the temperature soaring past the mid-eighties , the training has been quite tough and very exhausting .
6 Pearn and I were very concerned to ensure that the troops who would liberate Burma should know something of the country and its people , for the army that fought the retreat in 1942 had had little time to learn any of the background .
7 He has had ample time to understand what the world wants him to do .
8 You 've had ample time to get your feet under the table by now and one or two things have come up which I 'd like you to pursue .
9 She 's certainly had some time to kill , while awaiting her big moment .
10 Scotland , at least , have had some time to adjust to conditions here .
11 ‘ I 've had some time to check this Dream , ’ she said .
12 Any attempt to produce the letter for the first time at completion should be resisted and completion delayed until the purchaser has had adequate time to consider the disclosures .
13 Now Bubble , who had n't had much time to reflect on his England-experience , was obviously starting to think over his position .
14 Not that she 'd had much time to explore it , of course .
15 ‘ I have n't had much time to think . ’
16 Perkin had n't had much time to hunt elsewhere for anything suitable .
17 Erm I suppose got here a bit later you would have had more time to sort this lot out .
18 The Executive Committee discussed the case at several further meetings and decided to re-examine it when Black 's solicitor should have had more time to ascertain the prospects of money compensation from the government for the injuries .
19 indeed visiting headteachers said to the young teachers from university , polytechnic and college courses in September 1989 , ‘ You tell us about it — inevitably you have had more time to learn about it than we have . ’
20 Constant hum , people started from the first day and they 've been flowing through ever since with a high point at the weekend when they 've had more time to come up to London to have a look at things look at things .
21 He 'd had more time to think , to get used to this slightly absurd rapture .
22 Perhaps the shock is severe enough to catapult the person into feeling all the pain and extremity of loss that their defences might not have let them do if they had had more time to get organized .
23 She 'd tried to keep the newspaper story hidden from her because she did n't want to discuss it until she 'd had more time to get her thoughts in order … but of course mother had found it and started questioning compulsively about abortion , what exactly was the law on it now , how did you get one , where did you go , what did it cost , things she must have heard Dorothy and her friends discussing a hundred times but which the newspaper report had triggered into today 's obsession .
24 Fran wished that it had been further away , wished that she 'd had more time to compose herself and remove all traces of that kiss , but as she opened the door and got out of the car when they stopped in front of the neat little semi she was aware of the throbbing redness of her bruised lips , the faintly dishevelled state of her silvery hair .
25 Although responders may be biased towards independent , articulate individuals in employment , unemployed people may have had more time to reply , and this is supported by a higher response rate among women , who had a lower employment rate .
26 Following further approaches from my hon. Friend , a direction was issued to South Glamorgan county council on 11 December requiring it not to approve the proposal until the Secretary of State had had more time to consider whether to call in the matter for his own determination .
27 ‘ It 's a beautiful home with a wonderful music room , but I have n't had any time to enjoy it , ’ he says .
28 Think through your decision carefully before going to be tested and do n't be pressurised into having a test unless you have had enough time to decide whether it is the best thing for you .
29 The surface of the etch-resist ink might wash off in the developer but a layer of ink can still be left on the board , because the UV light has not had enough time to penetrate all the way through the resist .
30 He has not yet had enough time to close the gap , to find a way of associating Conservative values with a public political culture .
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