Example sentences of "go through the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Na oh yeah go , go through the solder resist go on .
2 And it 's not only revolving around this of course , it 's about the other things that we 're going to stimulate your interest with as we go through the afternoon .
3 So I said ‘ Well , there 's no need to be frightened of him , he would n't touch you ’ , but you see then somebody was talking to me on the phone last night and said the same thing ‘ We do n't come any more to say prayers as we go through the churchyard because we 're frightened ’ .
4 ‘ If you think that 's exciting , ’ Alfred Carter laughed , ‘ just you wait until you go through the tunnel ! ’
5 go through the P O A customers .
6 ‘ I see 97,307 people died last year of acute myocardial infarctions , ’ he remarks to an official in the Department of Health , trying to keep his tone conversational , as they go through the tables of statistics together .
7 Turn right and go through the village of Drayton .
8 Victoria , remind me to stop at the Freitases ’ house as we go through the village . ’
9 Which way we go through the village does n't really matter does it ?
10 As black children go through the education system , they not only learn to speak English , they also gain qualifications , which help them with jobs , and acquire British cultural values , which enable them to assimilate .
11 After his death , I learnt not to shut him out of my life and now I feel a comforting sense of continuity when I go through the boxes and find little notes by him which I have never seen before .
12 We go through the ranks and ask the people who know the school best — its headmaster , teachers and pupils .
13 Yes the pegs the pegs go through the tiles so the tiles are are made with little square hole .
14 ‘ I would far rather we go through the criticisms , than have you editorialise afterwards , with ‘ on the one hand and on the other , ’ ’ he says .
15 They will be ready to follow the ladder party as soon as they see its last man go through the window .
16 Yeah , do you know I think , cos I go through the woods every day with the
17 From the village of Mitton you go through the Bickford Meadows Nature reserve and past Lapley to the Telford Aqueduct on the Shropshire Union Canal .
18 Many of them go through the freedom of Grendon , only to be returned to the rough and tumble of ordinary jails to finish their sentences .
19 Yeah , I worked with a voluntary group for a while and I remember helping one lady go through , she was raped , and go through the courts , and all her past life was brought up , I mean I was so upset for her and yet the fact that he had actually raped twice before was n't brought up , but her past life was brought up and the man actually got off in the end because she just could not cope with being on the stand and dealing with it all and it was just so terrible that , that , that the , the ina ,
20 The boatman pulled in , allowing Athelstan and Cranston to disembark at the Garden Stairs and go through the courts , corridors and passageways which linked the different buildings of Westminster Palace .
21 They were making so little progress on the Monday that Peter Hickton took the sensible decision and dismissed most of the cast at lunchtime ; he would sit down with Michael Banks and George Birkitt all afternoon and just go through the lines .
22 Now when the film 's over I 've got one or two more questions to ask you so I want you to watch very carefully and listen very carefully as we go through the film .
23 The simplest , but least efficient , is to load raw ASCII text into the template and then go through the document highlighting the text areas and applying the tag .
24 The wire ends , suitably cleaned of enamel , then go through the board along with the pins and are soldered into place where indicated .
25 The base and emitter pins of the transistor go through the board holes where shown and are soldered to the foil .
26 Now watch this , as we go through the tack the sail is driving for most of the time just flapping briefly as the sail turns through the wind .
27 Just go through the remainder of the , of the observations , so that you should have zeros up until nineteen forty and then at nineteen forty through to nineteen forty five , right , you have ones .
28 Before going any farther , I suggest you go through the opening to the left of the Spanish Hall to catch a glimpse of the small garden called Na Baště , ‘ on the Bastion ’ , with its grand oval staircase leading to the entrance of the Spanish Hall and its neo-Classical pavilion by Plečnik 's follower , Rottmayer .
29 I had to think of her seeing the copy of my cock on Monday , I had to think of her first thinking , ‘ Golly , what a nut ’ , and then finding she had to stare uncontrollably at the specific image of my cock , boyoing , had to file that image away in a secret file folder where she filed away all my asterisk memos , and that some night working late , she 'd reach her long arms down to that drawer and bring out the asterisk file and go through the pages , asterisk after asterisk , until she found my cock .
30 In your text book you 've got quite a lot of information in there about reinforcing , what we 're going to do in the practical session and it 's always a help I think when you have a lot of the , thrown at you to know that you can just put it up and there it is if you get a bit confusing or ca n't remember what 's what , so on page one six nine it starts telling you all about nursing and bandages and general hygiene which we 've already talked quite a lot about but it 's very useful for you to know , you can go there and look , and if you just go through the pages from there on one seventy , one seven one , one seven two , one seven three and then on one seven four it 's got the general rules for applying bandages apply bandages when the casualty is sitting or lying down , you always sit your casualty down and you work from the front of , I say why do you work from the front of the thing ?
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