Example sentences of "go and see the " in BNC.

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1 Go and see the Pay Sergeant .
2 Go and see the plans for any new development if they have been lodged as a formal application .
3 But at the moment it 's not really a great problem , because the lads here go and see the prostitutes , report them for summons , and we do Well in my time here certainly , i it 's been reduced considerably to what it was .
4 Go and see The Young Can Suffer .
5 Go and see the reaction of the people who witnessed him cure the blind man Blind Bartiamaus or Bethsiedum Go and check out what the woman who with a haemorrhage had to say about him .
6 We 've got a ladies luncheon in Glasgow for four hundred and the organiser , Ruth the chair of Glasgow branch , is being helped by two ladies from the business community erm Linda from the BAFTA award and Tessa who has her own marketing company , so we 're hoping to sort of pull in a lot of people from that erm Judy the chair of Scottish council , is yet again holding her Charlotte Square ball erm , this was very , very successful two years ago , I think you know erm and we 're hoping for the same success erm , we are very lucky that the Royal Highland Show has chosen us to be er the charity this year for the gala preview of the show erm this is er for three hundred people , a champagne reception erm sponsored by the Bank of Scotland , so that you go and see the flowers before the show opens the next day .
7 I said to go in and see and I said to him go and see the bear , and with that Dave knocked on the door .
8 Go and see the ladies now ca n't you ?
9 Go and see the if you wanted them .
10 Go and see the boss or is it over there , whi , which , where ?
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