Example sentences of "go [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 In many respects , however , life in a special school is like any other day or boarding school , and it would be wrong to assume that rare and special things go on in a special school .
2 Go on in a minute yeah she 's
3 go on in a biting it a are
4 Many of the chemical reactions in the cell actually go on in the fabric of membranes ; a membrane acts as a combined conveyor-belt and test-tube rack .
5 In the Mala Strana , the secretaries and the artists , the nurses and the busmen return to their apartments , the lights go on in the high windows , the courtyard below us is filling up with the smells of food and voices discussing — what ?
6 Now in what what other things go on in the flats that you get involved with ?
7 Er what other things go on in the flats ?
8 So d what sort of things go on in the flats ?
9 Do you mind if I just go on in the way I 'm used to ? ’
10 We 've had the speakers up here saying that they 're going out , they 're knocking on doors , so you know , it 's not just about money , but I tell you what if they go on in the way they 're going on there 's no way Joe Bloggs is going out quite tonight on a vote night saying come out and give us your vote .
11 It seems to me however that the terms presumption and exception as national guidance stands at the moment go together in the context of greenbelt .
12 Anyway , like I was saying , any jumped-up little nerd can come along , work on a route for a month and get it wired , then go down in the book as one of the greats .
13 Oh it 'd be better for him to put that fire on at night time and go over in the morning and switch it off .
14 And then for the third leg of our erm Radio Oxford yankee , we go over in the tenth race , the nine forty eight .
15 If you go outside in the cold mornings
16 You do n't have to remember any words or facts or anything difficult like that — you just go off in a sort of coma and think how wonderful you are .
17 ‘ When the alarms go off in the house , they 'll go on in Central Station .
18 Is not that comment on security even more staggering than the bombs that go off in the city , although all such bombings are to be condemned and deplored ?
19 When a strong concentration of sodium chloride is placed near to paramecium they turn and go off in the opposite direction .
20 You pop on to The Michael Aspel Show as a guest , crack a few jokes in a borrowed gown , plug your latest book/show/film/affair , mop up more than your rightful share of Sancerre in the Hostility Room , and go home in a studio limo .
21 Of course I 'm staying out here until we go home in a minute , that film 's nearly finished dad 's watching and then we 're gon na
22 Or at tea , when they come in in the morning or when they go home in the evening .
23 You come to spend more time together than you are now because you go home in the evenings she goes out .
24 And er , so they sa put an announcement in the paper to say do n't keep sending these nails to us cos they go straight in the bin , we 've got no use for them !
25 I wanner go up in a pile a smoke an' flames an' eye shadder an' levver shoes an' dancin' an' all that I 'll go like them girls in the magazines Sharon an' you ai n't goin' ter stop me .
26 The approach of the two men to each other is conducted like a ritual , a crucial moment of which comes when they go up in a plane together for the first time .
27 THREE arms go up in a golden salute as brothers Jonny and Greg Searle celebrate victory with Garry Herbert in the 2000m coxed pairs .
28 Unlike those of the Philistines his worst fears have been realized , and the cry he hears go up in the town is not for the ark 's arrival , but for its capture .
29 When he goes abroad , he always buys a return ticket to the airport a ) because he thinks this will save three milliseconds in a fortnight 's time ; b ) because he knows he 's coming back ; and c ) in case fares go up in the interval .
30 ‘ So we all go up in the lift , and the two bucks as good as carry the mother 's boy into the room ; he 's almost completely gone , and they sit him on the bed and they pour some of the champagne down him and then they come out .
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