Example sentences of "looked back at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Endill looked back at Gibbet Hall .
2 When she reached the first hill , she looked back at Marlott and her father 's house with sadness in her heart .
3 She looked back at Maxim .
4 ‘ In any case — ’ He looked back at Siban .
5 Whitlock walked to the door and looked back at Kolchinsky .
6 He looked back at Wexford .
7 " We can lose some of the hair , deepen the colour , and then add a little silver , " she said to Collins and then looked back at Patrick , " how old are you boy , eighteen , nineteen … ? "
8 He looked back at Barycz , smiling .
9 He looked back at DeVore .
10 Curval slotted the slide back into the case and secured the lid , then looked back at DeVore , hesitant , not certain how he 'd take the truth .
11 Finlayson looked back at Lambert .
12 At the door he looked back at Newman .
13 Ranulf pulled his cloak tighter , stopped , and looked back at Godstowe Priory , a huge pile of masonry dark against the sky .
14 When she looked back at Mick she allowed her gaze to rest on him for some seconds before she answered , ‘ Of course I know who it is .
15 Chris looked back at Agnes .
16 Donna looked back at Ryker , then ahead once more .
17 As they reached the door , she looked back at Doyle .
18 Herrick 's eyes searched the room , then looked back at Chen .
19 Karr had been staring away almost abstractedly ; now he looked back at Chen .
20 He turned his face to the breeze and drew in great lungfuls of the fresh salt air , then looked back at Meg .
21 Duvall looked back at Cardiff .
22 She stopped on the third step , and looked back at Pete .
23 Burun watched her for a moment , then he looked back at Suragai .
24 She looked back at Rosa and her garden .
25 Marie looked back at Simon .
26 Hammond glanced at the boy again , giving the briefest of smiles , then looked back at Spatz , lowering his head .
27 Li Yuan stood , handing the main copies of the files to Chang Shih-sen , then looked back at Spatz .
28 He looked back at Harry and smiled .
29 Hammond read it , pronouncing the Mandarin with a slight southern accent , then looked back at Kim .
30 He looked back at Kim and gave him a small bow .
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