Example sentences of "looked [adv prt] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We looked down to see goldfinches and snow buntings feasting on fallen seeds in the heaped litter of salt marsh plants : sea lavender and sea purslane .
2 Ignoring him , she looked down to put milk and sugar into her cup .
3 Carole , who had fallen to the floor and was attempting to massage her husband 's knee , looked up to see Kenneth Baker himself in a camel-hair dressing gown , flanked by two men with guns .
4 He looked up to see El-Jorr standing in the doorway , looking at the wire that connected the receiver to the tape recorder on his desk .
5 The mestizo looked up to see Trent watching him .
6 Her thoughts still whirling , Shae looked up to see Marianne standing by the table , her green eyes calculating and faintly malicious as she glanced from Shannon to Gavin .
7 Suddenly there was a commotion in the sky and everyone looked up to see Ethel and Griselda swooping down on their brooms , waving and shouting .
8 Hearing the tramp of marching feet , he looked up to see Captain Warre riding at the head of his company .
9 But the door opened and she looked up to see Jim .
10 They all looked up to see Simon Swan standing over them .
11 Suddenly she was aware of her cardigan being draped around her shoulders and slowly she looked up to see Nathan standing beside her .
12 She was still laughing softly as she laid the phone down , but the laughter died in her throat as she looked up to see Adam standing a few feet away , his eyes hard as jet .
13 He looked up to see Merymose grinning at him .
14 She replaced the phone on its rest and looked up to see Myra gazing at her , a concerned look on her face .
15 They looked up to see Sheldukher coming towards them , the Cell case under one arm .
16 When Tommy did n't answer him , Mr Trotter looked up to see tear dripping off his rosy cheeks .
17 Nora looked up to see John doing his best to hide a smile of triumph .
18 Tucking it into one of the saddlebags , he looked up to see Mariana with one Greener slung over her shoulders .
19 About nine o'clock on that same evening , she was in her front garden watering her plants when she looked up to see Jenny and Paul advancing down the path .
20 She felt him heave a great sigh , and when she looked up saw tears running freely down his cheeks .
21 A shadow fell across my sunny table and I looked up to find Kenneth who 'd been on a recce of the hospital , so after a lunch of ribs , skins , wings and blueberry pie , he was able to lead me through the appropriate doors of the vast , multi-entranced building .
22 Smiling in anticipation of Felicity 's imminent arrival , Joshua looked up to find Peter Worthington Evans at his table .
23 They looked up to find Sister Cooney standing there .
24 Lindsey looked up to find Niall watching her , his expression telling her that he understood and shared at least some part of what she was feeling .
25 Some time later I heard a chink of glass and looked up to find Dennis sitting at a nearby table with a half-empty bottle of chilled rosé .
26 The figure looked back saw Martin and began to move more quickly between the graves and mausoleums .
27 I took a couple of steps forward , then heard something whispered from behind me , and looked back to see Janice hugging Ash , almost violently .
28 They halted on a rocky ridge where heather poked up through gaps in the stones , and looked back to see Ralarth a green patch below them .
29 From there I looked back to see Xanthe begin to talk to Mrs Young , at first slowly , with brakes on , and then faster and faster , until all the unhappiness was pouring out like a flood .
30 She looked round to see Ryker standing there .
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