Example sentences of "looked [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The incommensurability of the two worlds has been well expressed by C. S. Lewis with the observation that , in the pre-Copernican universe , as man looked upward , he looked inward to a harmonious and animated world in which all celestial movement derived from the spheres , and the motion of the spheres from an inner drive on the part of the primum mobile to share in the perfection of God .
2 ( 4 ) Their factories looked naturally to the United States for resources , especially spare parts and at times the shortage of these resources made things very critical .
3 Dissatisfaction and despair regarding domestic crises were strong motivating factors on both occasions as young intellectuals sought solutions to personal and national problems outside of China or as Wang wrote , ‘ looked eagerly to the west for the magic which would solve the problems of their country ’ ( Wang 1928 : 60 ) .
4 For home defence on land the government looked largely to the militia , which was brigaded with regular formations to improve its training and hurried about the country to each area that seemed in danger .
5 After driving for about ten minutes Jed looked away to the right .
6 Molly looked away to the crackling logs in the huge fireplace , the only light in the dark room .
7 She 'd fought the sensation as long as she could and then she 'd done something she 'd never done before , she 'd deliberately looked into the sea of faces , looked unerringly to the rear of the crowded room …
8 Everyone looked outside to the still overcast sky .
9 In the absence of a ready-made framework in Scotland , the firm looked elsewhere to the English Law Society 's Continuing Professional Development scheme , launched last year and aimed at not only keeping solicitors up to date with the law but to develop management and other professional skills and to enhance career development .
10 A crucial result was that cathedral and parish clergy were increasingly infiltrated by men whose loyalties looked more to the king than the pope , to the realm rather than to the church .
11 From the rickety bridge I looked upwards to the waterfall , perhaps fifty feet above us ; at the spot where it vanished into ferns and flowers it was frothing like a diaphanous white ball gown .
12 Lurching into it , with one part lumbered with unlovely council tower blocks up the hill , while nearer the river the developers had arrived , and where once had been a network of tiny streets harbouring some of the most professional criminal families in South London , there were now several expensive blocks of flats : expensive because they faced the river and looked sideways to the old Royal Palace of Greenwich with the trees and slopes of the park behind .
13 She looked across to a bureau on which stood a framed certificate for TV Presenter of the Year Award .
14 That tree there , for example — ’ He pointed and she looked across to a singularly impressive specimen of holly .
15 He looked across to the open door of the dining room and glimpsed the slim figure of Theresa Blaney standing in the shadows .
16 She ran back through the kitchen and down the steps into the lower scullery , but when she came out by the back door and looked across to the wall , Tristram was not be seen .
17 He looked across to the lighthouse and saw nothing — only waves , and more waves .
18 Then he looked across to the far side of the valley , softened by the twilight into a cascade of blue silk ; it was going to be another damp and lousy night of drizzle .
19 Robert had to say it again before she heard him and looked across to the table where Aunt Tossie and Andrew were drinking and Lalage was jumping up and down , opening her mouth to catch with complete dexterity the pieces of biscuit that Dada , suddenly lively , was throwing into it .
20 She left the tow-path where it bore left round the sweep of the river which looked across to the Cathedral 's east end and peddled along the road .
21 Then he looked across to the corner of the fireplace .
22 Jimmy paused and looked across to the fair .
23 The English model looked primarily to the eventual social role of the graduate as a ‘ gentleman ’ , and the face-to-face interaction between student and tutor was crucial .
24 Lawrence looked ahead to a new challenge within minutes of celebrating a dramatic ten-man two-goal comeback at Wolves .
25 Cantona looked ahead to the derby game with Manchester City and said : ‘ I think Sunday may be too early . ’
26 She looked ahead to the island with anticipation .
27 Her involvement with Adam and Rourke had brought her nothing but trouble and recrimination so far , and when she looked ahead to the future she could see only a bleak landscape stretching out before her .
28 Damian 's room was directly next to hers , and Rachel looked ahead to the next three nights with fear and excitement .
29 When they were well out of the way we made tracks for home and I looked forward to a quiet evening .
30 King Edward VII and his Consort , Alexandra , were able to influence international events , particularly in Europe , which continued to be the predominant continent and Britain looked forward to a long period of peaceful influence .
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