Example sentences of "once [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Demographic changes of a rather different kind have had the effect of substantially reducing the categories of people who once lived with kin .
2 Islands around the world have often hosted odd dwarf forms of mainland creatures : pony-sized elephants once lived on Malta ; and it was reported by Adrian Lester of Cambridge University , in a recent Nature article , that red deer from the last Ice Age evolved into a dwarf form in less than 6000 years after being marooned on the island of Jersey .
3 The real price though , has been paid by the wildlife which once lived in Cannop brook .
4 The only other person in the bar was an old inhabitant of Cobham and during our conversation I mentioned that my beat-grandfather once lived in Cobham but had died many years before I was born .
5 It was in a little book I once got for Christmas called Ghosts and Other Weird Creatures .
6 ‘ My dear fellow , did I ever tell you about the way two men and two ladies I once met on Mykonos made love ? ’
7 True , essential oils do not smell like commercial , highly synthetic formulae ; but once weaned onto naturals and drawn into the healing aura of essential oils , you will never again fall for the charms of the latest ‘ Henry ’ or crave a fix of ‘ Venom ’ nor even be allured by an ‘ Evening in Paradise ’ !
8 The movie , made in 1988 , is a good pointer to what has happened to Allen : the targets he once pricked with flip but divine one-liners — the shrinks , the Life / Death / Weltschmerz question — are no longer a laughing matter as America 's greatest contemporary wit approaches the mid-September of his days .
9 The legality of money market dealings by Hammersmith and Fulham Council in west London , which once amounted to exposure of £5bn is being challenged by its auditor , Anthony Hazell , a partner in Deloitte Haskins and Sells , with the support of the Audit Commission , the local authority financial watchdog .
10 I at once applied for leave , which was granted , and set off for Edinburgh on the overnight train .
11 When in January 1645 the French agreed to give the Dutch representatives the coveted title of " Excellency " this at once led to demands from the imperial electors that theirs must be given it also .
12 The frenzied living for ourselves which we once used to value so highly now disappears before the far more vital longing to keep company with God in faith , hope and love .
13 The best topographic candidates for volcanic activity of Mercury are a handful of small rimless craters and certain ridges that could be solidified lava that once rose from fissures .
14 I once fled in tears to the hospital Steward , but to no avail .
15 She once reported to Robert Landgrebe , marketing manager , in a voice of genuine shock that she had just been on an aeroplane with three accountants ‘ and do you know , they tried to talk to me about design ’ .
16 Alpha Saracouu , Sierra Leone 's High Commissioner in the UK , and team manager Major Kargbo made the trip to Ashton Gate to inquire about Rosenior , who once played for England schoolboys .
17 ‘ But , I once played for Clandeboye as a 17-year-old in the All Ireland semi-finals of the Jimmy Bruen Foursomes , beaten in the semi-finals by Galway at Lahinch .
18 Macmillan concludes his diary entry for 13 May : " I at once telegraphed to Churchill saying that the position seemed to me radically changed ( I wonder for how long ? ) …
19 You know , he once , he once came from Brussels and he , he stop , in , in .
20 Hazel slipped out of the burrow into the run and at once came upon Strawberry busily thumping a hind leg on the hard earth floor .
21 Where 30,000 rice varieties once flourished in South-East Asia , one single kind now occupies two-thirds of the land .
22 Seeing just how comprehensive a work this is , with factory serial number , date of registration , date of next C of A expiry , owner's/operator 's name and probable base all listed , I can only surmise that the note-scribblers/pocket memo mumblers — many of whom seem not to have the slightest knowledge or interest in the type of aeroplane on which the letters are painted — are performing the latter-day equivalent of the sacred ritual which I and many others who have long since outgrown it once enacted in John W.R. Taylor 's ABC of Civil Aircraft Makings .
23 She once declared in print that what ‘ the carpenter got done in for ’ was ‘ this thing called sin and we keep on doing it ’ .
24 Written excavation records once consisted of observations written down in a notebook , but nowadays most archaeologists use printed forms , or even a series of forms , which are filled in to record the evidence not covered by the drawn and photographic records .
25 Through the Lousadas Minton was to an extent drawn into a Hammersmith circle of artists which included Victor Pasmore , Julian Trevelyan and Mary Fedden who once danced with Minton at a New Year 's Eve party until she literally dropped , whereupon he gently laid her down on the floor .
26 The drama depicted is something that once happened in front of the canvas — where the painter claimed to be nature !
27 A land that once flowed with cinemas and theatres , now resounds to the clickety-click of another beat .
28 six times I have returned to that country , demanding the past from the present , flogging my emotions , requiring of them , still , that freshness they once owed to novelty , and from year to year finding in my ageing desires rewards ever less vivid …
29 The ‘ space ’ which once existed for police and pickets to negotiate a mutually acceptable code of picket-line conduct has been closed off , as the miners and striking print workers discovered to their cost .
30 It was on the basis of this kind of observation that Morgan decided that there once existed in Polynesia a social order when sexual relations within one generation were so unspecific that all men of the ascending generation were ‘ fathers ’ and all women of the ascending generation were ‘ mothers ’ .
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