Example sentences of "'d seen the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Once I 'd seen the recording of the race I knew , although perhaps I did n't want to admit it straight away . ’
2 In that moment Virginia remembered what Trudy Paish had said : that she 'd seen the witch 's cat riding through the air on a broomstick .
3 It was some kind of a medical thing ; he 'd seen the bracelets before , and this was just another variation .
4 Right okay what I this will be the first time I 've had a look at er a little bit more of your background so erm while I 'm doing that , although you may have already inside information , I I guess you 'd seen the brochure before had you ?
5 Earlier he said he 'd seen the driver leaning across to the left , perhaps to adjust a radio and that the children were fairly active in the back .
6 Tonight she 'd seen the way to get rid of him for good .
7 She 'd firmly resisted her mother 's oft-repeated efforts to tempt her with the power-packed vegetable which she 'd seen the singing sailor-man so often greedily guzzle straight from the can .
8 He 'd seen the change that had come over Chantal since the news that Philippe was still alive .
9 Well , she was in Tuddingfield , and she 'd seen the turning off to Finningham .
10 He 'd already he 'd seen the bags going up and he 'd already got that in his head .
11 We ran this kind of course by asking the teachers at the beginning of the course to select some device they 'd like to make , that they 'd seen the circuit of in a in a school magazine school science review magazine , and then build that .
12 You know and if you 'd seen the size of the temple there were thinking well , come on , and the trouble that they 'd gone through over their history to establish er a capital city with a temple as the main feature , they were not happy about him saying that .
13 No , not some fanatical carp angler frightened of someone looking in his bait box , but carp that mouthed a bait and spat it out before the angler could strike — if he 'd seen the bite , that is .
14 I was beginning to get scared even before I 'd seen the film .
15 ‘ He said he 'd seen the film once an' did n't want to see it agen . ’
16 I 'd seen the film myself in a mixed audience of youth workers , and it had left many of us women upset and shaken .
17 They 'd seen the film that summer at Abbotsfield .
18 Yeah , well that was , yeah but if you 'd seen the film you would of
19 Like where I 'd seen the bartender before .
20 It was on the pier at Stranraer that he 'd seen the man first , in the shed where they searched the cars .
21 Cormack had been swinging on the bar stool , fingering his wallet because Amanda 's appetite for food and drink had made his credit cards nervous , when he 'd seen the man in the raincoat in reception and the beer had spilled over his hand and left wet stains on the varnish for the boy to polish away .
22 Because she 'd seen the bottle , and it had been good French burgundy …
23 I 'd seen the invitation pinned up prominently by Dee-Dee in the office : most of the racing world , it seemed , would be there to applaud .
24 A : So would you if you 'd seen the Devil , snarling and slavering and trying to get in a window of the second floor of a students ' residence .
25 She 'd looked as if she 'd seen the devil himself .
26 After seeing him , because he thought that once he 'd seen the consultant it would then take some time to get the treatment started , but they must have got themselves over that .
27 Perkin knew it was I who had remembered that the floorboards should have floated , and on Monday he 'd seen the plank on the dining-room table and heard Doone and me talking in close private consultation .
28 Even so , it set up a security precaution that had occurred to me when I 'd seen the cylinder .
29 He 'd seen the stuff that was pitched at them through advertising .
30 I 'd seen the play — some touring company did it — they 'd made it into SF , all in space , and Oedipus was a two-headed Zaphod Beeblebrox character trying to kiss his mother with one of his faces and weep sorrowful tears with the other .
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