Example sentences of "'d [be] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe he thought that since there 'd been sixty-odd quid in my bag there 'd be more on my person , and he only had to wait till I nodded off and then he 'd nick it and away .
2 If only I 'd been 10 years of age again , I 'd have loved the ‘ Pirates Club ’ .
3 I imagined Perkin threading along that trail at night , following the paint quite easily as he 'd been that way already in daylight , and being secretly pleased with himself because if he had inadvertently left any traces of his passage the first time they could be explained away naturally by the second .
4 He 'd been sure Joe was dead when they left him .
5 Well I I think the period that embraced my school days , you see I did n't leave till nineteen nineteen and th that meant there 'd been four years of war at school and the last year well , it ended in er nineteen eighteen , the war did , so only the last year , but it was full of patriotism and all the old scholars that had er served or suffered or been killed , their names were up .
6 When Ma had come home from London with her there 'd been great excitement , and Edward and his brother Billy had looked at the mite as if she were a fairy found among the budding snowdrops .
7 ‘ It was very hard work in many ways ’ , he told me in February 1985 , ‘ and the fact that we 'd been thirteen years [ in Opposition ] meant that most of them , almost all of them , had no experience at all in government .
8 Conditions were better for fishing now than they 'd been all night .
9 Pulling the tabs on the thermal cans to heat up the food , she glanced over at him but he was exactly as he 'd been all day , close yet remote , unreachable .
10 in nineteen thirty and ninety thirty one I won the cup , I 'd been twelve year old then .
11 We 'd been two West Country boys sharing a desert tent in Fayid .
12 ‘ There 'd been two heads on those pillows , ’ agreed Ethel , ‘ and two bodies between those sheets , however hard they tried to disguise it . ’
13 And Lucy called her in the morning , swept away all doubts with a rush of enthusiasm about the exhibition , and only when they 'd hung up did Jay realise that she had n't given her a date , a time ; that she — they ? — were just where they 'd been five months before .
14 If I 'd been fourteen years old I should have commanded one shilling , but being only twelve and a half I got sixpence .
15 Well , do you honestly think the answer would have been the same if I 'd been Norman Ward Westerman or Lord Boddy ? ’
16 Now , as I said , there 'd been various answers er , to this , throughout history , one of the most interesting and significant as far as we 're concerned , in studying Freud and the social sciences , was er , that of the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes .
17 There 'd been pink wine , Rose Anjou 1969 on the label , celebrating the completion of the first half of his father 's book on the shore lark .
18 The lad next to me he 'd been three times !
19 There 'd been numerous dark arched carved-wood doors leading off the hall , most of which she had still to investigate …
20 She 'd been surprised Carol had offered to ice it , for Carol had never been domesticated .
21 More recently , there 'd been further reappraisal of America 's bluesmeisters and U2 hauled in BB King to jointly provide a Top Ten single in ‘ When Love Comes To Town ’ , while Gary Moore charted with the aid of Albert King .
22 God knows where she 'd been last night . ’
23 She fully expected him to ignore her sarcastic question , or , in his delightfully blunt fashion , tell her he was out for a walk , not an idle chinwag , when , to cause her to falter in her stride , ‘ How about — where you 'd been last Thursday while I waited outside your flat for you to come home ? ’
24 ‘ If only there 'd been more time , ’ said Kelly , ‘ I 'd have tried to help her work out a clear-cut characterisation , but we had a tight schedule and I left it up to her . ’
25 There 'd been another quake at 4am , a 6.5 shock .
26 Like us , he reckoned that there 'd been another man there .
27 Well out of order , the thing is if that 'd been , if that 'd been another troop trying to do it to him , there would of been , there would of been shit
28 In those days too , there 'd been another festival a month or so later , called ban chho āi , the leaving of the forest .
29 yeah I know , actually if it 'd been different equipment I would have cancelled it and said oh sod it , but it 's not , it 's same equipment , so you might as well wait for it
30 And poems in a novel simply did n't work ; they 'd been crap poems anyway .
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