Example sentences of "'d [vb pp] on a " in BNC.

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1 He 'd faced foxes , he 'd helped to drive the Truck , he 'd flown on a goose — but none of them was half so bad as letting a human being actually touch him .
2 Her bottom stung as if she 'd sat on a nest of hornets , but she wanted to show them she 'd survived .
3 A Christmas stocking — no , a pair of red tights , actually — filled up to here with pound notes that we 'd won on a strawberry roan named Cordelia .
4 Removing a pair of surgical gloves , he dropped them inside the open bag he 'd perched on a chair , closed the bag .
5 When the police arrived to rescue the driver , who 'd parked on a blind bend of the motorway , he 'd explained that he had n't wanted to risk ruining his tyre by driving the extra distance to the hard shoulder .
6 Either he was dead straight , or else he was the sharpest operator-bar none , including the guy she 'd met on a singles ' holiday who 'd almost managed to convince her that he was on his final fling with only ninety days left to live — that she had ever encountered .
7 Not so long since I was in here myself , but I never dreamed Willis had not quite known what to bring , so he 'd decided on a packet of Whiffs .
8 She 'd decided on a plain pastoral view of the asylum and its grounds , it was supposed to be routine .
9 Marron told police he 'd been copying what he 'd seen on a pornographic video : Judge Paul Clark said it showed how harmful such videos were .
10 My back , my great white back was scored with thirty or forty sharp red welts , regularly patterned , as if I 'd slept on a bed of nails .
11 I know a 51-year-old women who 'd embarked on a passionate affair with a 55-year-old , but was terrified of spending the night with him .
12 And she , she wait , she made out she 'd driven on a road
13 I mean luckily you , you know , you 'd gone on a car , with a car so it 's a matter of throwing everything in the back and just going
14 ‘ If you 'd appeared on a day when I was n't jet-lagged and exasperated by travel delays , I might have reacted less belligerently to your unannounced arrival .
15 A woman has saved a baby 's life using resuscitation techniques she 'd learned on a course just two weeks earlier .
16 Oh as I sa the part-time job we used to get , two shillings a week and he used to give us tuppence for ourselves the two shillings was for our parents , and the tuppence was supposed to be our pocket money , but er when we 'd finished on a Saturday night if , if there were any stale cakes we 'd all get a bag of stale cakes each you used to make a terrific fuss of those on a Sunday .
17 She 'd worked on a woman 's magazine .
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