Example sentences of "'d [vb pp] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it would have been too easy : they 'd made love the first night they met , both involved with women who gave them pain .
2 It was really frustrating when Kylie was over here and she used to ring me and say she 'd seen Prince the night before , or Madonna or someone else really great .
3 I had bought her small gifts , I had kissed her hand whilst on May Day I 'd helped deck the house with green boughs and later took her to dance around a Maypole set up near Cattle Street .
4 Teacher If I 'd known Student If I 'd known Teacher the price Student the price Teacher If I 'd known the price Student If I 'd known the prices , etc
5 Once he 'd achieved erection the trick was to keep it up without coming but without losing rigidity .
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