Example sentences of "able [to-vb] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 ( 43 ) in HepG2 cells , where immune serum against NF-IL6 is able to inhibit the IL-6 induced complex in gel retardation experiments .
2 Happy though he was , Ya'acov wanted very much to be together with Solly , his brother , and the Maggses were not able to accommodate the two of them .
3 Er Mr also commented om the er consideration of the er emerging alteration and increase in Selby District 's allocation from ten thousand to eleven and a half thousand dwellings erm and I would like to assure him now that we have completed out local plan studies , we are in the process of fine tuning them and and I 'm quite confident that we will be able to accommodate the eleven and a half thousand dwellings .
4 The fact that Cheney felt able to cancel the A-12 was indicative of the altering priorities of the Defence Department in the post-cold war era .
5 There is obviously a scholarly interest in being able to see the two versions of ‘ La Dance ’ , from our museum and from the Hermitage , or the two versions of ‘ Nasturtiums with dance ’ from the Metropolitan Museum and from the Hermitage .
6 While there will be a delay of between four to six months before the NT and NetWare releases become available , Brown reckons that by 1995 , or three versions of the database on , Informix should be able to launch the three versions simultaneously .
7 While there will be a delay of between four to six months before the NT and NetWare releases become available , Brown reckons that by 1995 , or three versions of the database on , Informix should be able to launch the three versions simultaneously .
8 From there she should be able to jump the eighteen inches or so to the towpath .
9 Silas and Matt then set up the barbecue , and Lucy was able to open the two food hampers , her eyes widening at the variety they contained .
10 Would you be able to afford the two hundred pounds to get it out of the parking ?
11 If you force people to choose between a family and a job I suppose , you know , women lots of women choose the family erm the only way women will achieve more educationally is to be able to combine the two things and not always have to make these crippling decisions and choices between two things which most human beings want , so there is a lot of money being spent on research into sex inequality and so on , and that 's encouraging , but I think it 's being spent in slightly the wrong way and I think there 's a tendency to evade the crucial issues which are , of course , rather deep social issues about the organization of the family and work and they take a lot of changing , so I am ambivalent about that one .
12 This suggests that subjects were able to dissociate the two scales where appropriate , for example , junction 17 , entering a dual carriageway from a slip road , received the fourth highest mean risk rating of the 40 junctions , 6.47 .
13 The major contradiction that they detected was between his vision of a European ensemble able to challenge the two existing superpowers and his narrowly nationalist priorities .
14 Now that the leg was bandaged and had rested almost a day , it was not as painful , and I was able to manage the five miles to camp in two hours .
15 And this is why takes to get all this down and get get a location better than the Carlton for the , I mean , alright , we are n't gon na be able to do the three or four hundred , but then we
16 But FIFA threatened that if he was not forced to back down , all five French clubs would be thrown out of next week 's European competitions , the national team would be barred from the 1994 World Cup finals and that France would no longer be able to host the 1998 finals .
17 When the Nadiradize design bureau , specialising in solid fuel missiles , ran into trouble with its SS-13 , the Chelomei bureau , despite its maritime orientation , was able to redirect the SS-11 programme to the anti-Minuteman counterforce role .
18 Some 20 home fans then ran on to the field in response , but police were able to keep the two factions apart .
19 When I left at two o'clock , Tally and I were addressing each other by first names ( ‘ Elliot ’ was strange to him and we settled for ‘ Ellix ’ ) and I was able to address the two waitresses by their first names without feeling uncomfortable .
20 A child may be able to count the five ducks but have to recount if they are moved round to form a different pattern .
21 They find themselves , for the first time , able to contemplate the two main features of Labour policy , greater independence in the investigation of complaints and a London police authority , with something less than total horror .
22 I remember someone — the school cleaner , I think — telling me how dreadful this omission was , and how I recognised the mixture of shock and pity in her voice without being able to separate the two , or understand to whom they were being allocated and why .
23 In this he described how , by splitting a parallelepiped of calcite spar along its shorter diagonal , and then cementing the halves together with Canada balsam ( having a refractive index intermediate between those of the doubly refracting calcite spar ) , he was able to separate the two emergent beams so widely that they could be used independently .
24 Only those who are able to demonstrate the two elements of ability to do the work and ability to manage their cases properly will get the franchise .
25 But his claim to be able to represent the three major philosophical schools of the Vedānta does not prevent him from regarding Truth ( Satya ) as the most correct and most fully significant term that could be used for God .
26 Can we not do more even than we 're doing at the moment to restore to the centre of the life of the church the glorious concept of a team of pastoral care and a high command of power strategy in which dominance by ministers will be reduced to the minimum in order that together we may be ready to let the lifeblood of Christ flow through us in such a way that we will be better able to welcome the twenty first century in his name .
27 The reappearance of one of these tureens after so many years was exciting enough , but only a week later the mail produced a murky Polaroid snapshot of another tureen in South america and we were able to offer the two , reunited on the auction block after about 159 years .
28 The fears raised by Labour in the 1951 election campaign therefore remained unrealised , and the Tories were able to approach the 1955 election , following Churchill 's replacement by Eden as prime minister , with considerable confidence .
29 We should be able to approach the two million pound mark overseas , I think , with a special campaign that Britain is affordable and that travel is safe .
30 We must all learn to judge a bottle by its content not by its wrapping and if we are able to approach the hundreds of alternative sparkling wines being offered in place of Champagne with open minds we will reap pleasure and reward .
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