Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Since the majority of them were neither party members , nor teachers or agronomists , they represented a valuable addition to the ranks of those who might be able to promote smychka in the countryside .
2 Being able to capitalize part of her pension would allow her to present herself at one of the main building societies with a deposit , to halve her housing costs , and begin acquiring a capital asset that would last with her into old age .
3 Even though open-market operations may be effective in reducing bank lending , people may still be able to borrow money from other financial institutions at home or abroad : institutions which may have surplus liquidity .
4 His brother , who succeeded him as the Emperor Leopold II , was able to restore peace in the disturbed areas only by a skilful mixture of force and concessions .
5 A GYROSTABILISER consists of a small , rapidly spinning , motor-driven flywheel which is able to sense movement of a model about any chosen axis and apply a cancelling movement to the appropriate servo .
6 while Labour under Clement Attlee was able to wield influence in the coalition government .
7 No actress alive better captures the ferocious pathos of the little heartbreak writ large , and although her immaculate comic technique sustains whole passages of visual lunacy , she has in addition the much rarer theatrical gift of being able to transmit emotion in its purest form .
8 The network will be able to transmit information about the movements of aircraft throughout Europe , providing a central overview of air traffic conditions not previously available .
9 Branches will now be able to monitor progress through weekly reports and will receive statements of performance from their regional office at the end of each period .
10 Interestingly , pou[c] is able to stimulate initiation of adenovirus DNA replication in vitro ( C.P.Verrijzer and P.C.van der Vliet , personal communication ) suggesting that this ability may also be a general feature of POU domain proteins .
11 We have presented data which suggest that three proteins , N-Oct 3 as well as N-Oct 5A and 5B are translated from the same mRNA by alternative translation initiation ; only the largest protein , N-Oct 3 , was able to stimulate transcription from an octamer promoter under our assay conditions .
12 In this way , Schleiermacher was able to include Christianity alongside other faiths under his general conception of religion , and at the same time to affirm its distinctiveness and indeed superiority over all other contenders .
13 Now we pray for those who are not able to enjoy life to the full , through sickness , and we remember Winifred Andrews , Rob Dellar , Jack Bennett and Louis Muggleton … and keep silence as we bring other friends and relatives to your throne .
14 This way , you 'll be able to enjoy life in true Geminian style .
15 British filmmakers were in trouble , and even Maxwell was only able to sustain profitability by cutting back production .
16 The business world is one of constant change , and your business to be successful must be able to accommodate change without penalty .
17 Gandhi 's implicit suggestion here is that it had yet to support non-violence for , as he says , bishops still felt able to support slaughter in the name of Christianity .
18 They are able to acquire land by compulsory purchase , by voluntary agreement or by the Secretary of State vesting it in them .
19 But as no one shareholder had control to sell , the Government was able to acquire control of the company 's assets for a fraction of their true value ( and for a fraction of what it would have had to pay on a take-over bid ) .
20 However , if he is able to continue work as a clerk , no capital sum under item 4 is payable .
21 If it is a cancellation at very short notice and the hotel is unable to re-let the accommodation , particularly in the case of resort hotels whose reservations are taken well in advance , the hotel may then be able to claim compensation for the loss of business .
22 The tenant may then undertake the alterations , in full knowledge that he or she will be able to claim compensation for the improvements made when the tenancy ends .
23 Thus a child whose nightdress catches fire because when supplied it did not comply with the safety regulations will be able to claim compensation for her burns from the manufacturer .
24 In response , the Laotian government , with the support of a number of environmental organizations , has set up a fund by which fishermen will be able to claim compensation for nets destroyed to free dolphins .
25 He would have been able to claim credit for ‘ one of the Government 's export achievements ’ , a reference to the 30 per cent of those elected to become Fellows of the Royal Society who now live abroad .
26 If your pension is taxed in the UK , you will be able to claim part of your personal allowance as an offset .
27 A married man living with his wife may also be able to claim part of the married couple 's allowance .
28 Greece lacks a public land registry and speculators hope to be able to claim ownership of former forest land for development .
29 They would be able to claim benefit in their own right and for their husbands as their dependants .
30 If he is able to claim privilege for the document , a copy may be admitted instead of the original .
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