Example sentences of "able [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In this way many fans were able to miss out the first graduation step and serve a short probation at the back of the terrace .
2 Last December , member states were only able to agree over a transitional VAT arrangement , which according to a high-ranking Commission official amounted to a failure .
3 The officer must indeed be prepared to sustain his attempts at persuasiveness over a long period of time , a matter which can pose problems , for he must be able to sense when a less conciliatory performance is warranted and a show of force , however discreet , would be appropriate .
4 Have you been able to gather together the whole of your father 's former collection ?
5 Konstantin Charsky was a poet like herself , but much better known , and he had been able to gather quite a few western books .
6 I understand that this scheme will be able to light up a town of about 30,000 people , just as my hon. Friend can today , almost single-handedly , light up her constituency .
7 In 1851 , which , with symbolic appropriateness , was the year in which a hungry urban population exceeded for the first time the population of the countryside , drainage-minded landlords up from the shires were able to carry away a wealth of interesting ideas from the Great Exhibition .
8 ‘ We would never have a Labour government able to carry out a Labour programme — even when that programme had won far more votes than any of the other parties . ’
9 During the debate Roy Hattersley , the deputy leader , argued that it would be ‘ historic folly ’ for Labour to back proportional representation ; inevitable coalitions would mean that ‘ we would never again have a Labour government that was able to carry out a Labour programme ’ .
10 The librarian may be able to carry out a relevant literature search .
11 Evaluation by achievement Performance measurement was carried out after each series of courses , by means of examination of each student 's list of references , in order to see whether the students were able to carry out a practical literature search .
12 William III , helped by the ‘ Protestant wind ’ that kept the English navy pinned in harbour while William 's Dutch fleet could choose a convenient place to land , was able to carry out a successful invasion with quite a substantial military force , so the events of the 1680s underlined the possibility that James II might be able to make a successful return from exile .
13 Most commentators , from the 1968 Select Committee onwards , argue that HM Inspectorate should not expand to the extent that it is able to carry out a full programme of regular inspections ( Hopkins , 1982 , is an exception ) .
14 The organization 's ship , the MV Greenpeace , was eventually able to carry out a limited monitoring of oil slicks , with Iranian scientists and military personnel on board .
15 On April 6th , unbeknown to the Hohenzollern Crown Prince , he was asking Crown Prince Rupprecht whether his Sixth Army might not be able to carry out a swift blow at Arras , against the British Army , whose anticipated ( by Falkenhayn ) relief attack had not yet materialised .
16 The only way I can think of , or I think as far as anyone else can think of , deciding whether it has in fact been important in speciation , is to look for pairs of closely related species which differ in some striking morphological trait , but are still sufficiently similar genetically for you to be able to carry out a genetic analysis , i.e. to cross them , to get offspring , to get F two 's and it 's then possible , it 's obviously not — I 'm not going to explain the details of the technique to you now — but it 's possible to work out whether the difference is due largely , or in part , to some single large gene , or whether it 's on the whole due to quite a lot of small ones .
17 He received his certificate in July 1947 but the British coal industry had been nationalised in January of that year and his new bosses told him that in the changed circumstances they would not be able to carry out the undertaking he had been given .
18 Mrs Howard said : ‘ Unless we are given a lot more resources we will not be able to carry out the weekly monitoring required .
19 The long period of housing the stock meant that the farmer was able to carry out the necessary work in the mornings and evenings .
20 Volunteers should be able to carry out the minimal work involved , though some dioceses seem curiously reluctant to accept offers of help of this kind .
21 They do not have either the mental or physical equipment to be able to carry out the many complex activities involved in the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
22 She was able to carry out the simple reward programme which worked very well and then progressed to rewarding Luke for passing a motion in the lavatory .
23 You are probably aware that the Marauders hold the most physical area sales meetings in the UK , if not on Planet Earth : the reason for this is that they are then able to carry out the most professional and demanding surveys to get the sale .
24 Franco repeated the message of his 2 December letter when he said that he did not " see any advantage in change " and that if he were ever to delegate the leadership of the government , it would only be when he was no longer able to carry out the functions of that position as well as those of head of state .
25 However , this is all due to change with the proposed introduction of a new chain ferry which will be able to carry twice the number of cars .
26 Mr Falt could be forgiven his smirk when , on election day , he was able to report not a body count but a remarkable turnout of voters .
27 As late as 1960 all of the ‘ officers ’ , as the Lord Chancellor 's legal staff were known , not officials as elsewhere in the civil service , were able to sit around a not particularly large octagonal table in the Permanent Secretary 's room at his fortnightly office meetings .
28 Players with two yellow cards would be able to sit out the subsequent one-match suspension during an international friendly before the 24-nation tournament , Neuberger added .
29 Players with two yellow cards would be able to sit out the subsequent one-match sus pension during an international friendly before the 24-nation tournament , Neuberger added .
30 Once you begin to understand some of the antecedent events that control your own eating behaviour you will be able to plan out a positive approach , by working out those antecedent events most likely to lead to success .
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